Babies have arrived! Pics! And now with video!

that is so cool Kaessa. I never knew that. Plus I had no idea the tips of their bills were innervated with sensory nerves. Thanks for the link and copying the little info paragraph.

You're welcome! I like it when I learn new things. Google is the best thing that ever happened.
You're welcome! I like it when I learn new things. Google is the best thing that ever happened. :lol:
Me too. And the funny thing is I could look it up on google too but it never occurs to me cuz I know you guys will know. I shared the info with my duck buddy John. He did not know the nail's purpose was for grabbing things.
Thanks everybody. I am so happy with them. Its so fun to have folks who understand the joy these little critters bring!

Opie, yea she's a hoot. She started out as the one that always came running to my hand. Then for some reason she backed off. But today she was right back in there. I was tickled. And her facial markings are a mirror image on each side. I guess that's normal, but its so cute. She's definitely the loudest so far too!
ahhh, I can totally tell she's a character. Even from the beginning when you posted her duckling pictures. I think she knows who and what she is and likes to assert it.
Well, the "babies" are outside in their first rainstorm. Nothing epic, just a steady rain, and they're out playing in the mud. I have the duck house open so they can head back inside if they want, but for now I think they're having a grand time.
Well, the "babies" are outside in their first rainstorm. Nothing epic, just a steady rain, and they're out playing in the mud. I have the duck house open so they can head back inside if they want, but for now I think they're having a grand time.
Sounds like perfect water fowl weather we're having the same.
Sounds like perfect water fowl weather we're having the same.

I know we need the water (I live in a desert), but darn it, I had outside things to do today.

I got the paint for the duck house. "Cooper Molera Fandango Red". Still not sure what I'm going to do about the roof, but for now it'll get painted. I've got an ISO out on Facebook looking for old corrugated plastic roofing, because I don't want to spend the $100 it would take to buy it new.


I can't touch them, but they'll come right up next to me.

Watch the reaction to my phone's alarm going off at about 30 seconds in. Everyone is all "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT."
Eeeeeeeee. Peek and Poke are so cute. Love the sounds of their bills in the water. And the 4some when at first they perk up at the phone and then go about their business, like, 'who cares?' Your 6 are wonderful, Kaessa. I love them.
Well, the "babies" are outside in their first rainstorm. Nothing epic, just a steady rain, and they're out playing in the mud. I have the duck house open so they can head back inside if they want, but for now I think they're having a grand time.
Ducks love mud. John, my friend, told me Kensington was stomping like crazy in it. Silly girl, getting her undercarriage all dirty. But she don't care. She a pekin.
Eeeeeeeee. Peek and Poke are so cute. Love the sounds of their bills in the water. And the 4some when at first they perk up at the phone and then go about their business, like, 'who cares?' Your 6 are wonderful, Kaessa. I love them.

Thank you! I love them too!

I refilled their pool this afternoon when we had a lull in the rain, and it was hilarious watching them. You'd think I'd given them a million dollars they were so excited. And then I gave them kale. SO MANY HAPPY DUCK NOISES!
Thank you! I love them too!

I refilled their pool this afternoon when we had a lull in the rain, and it was hilarious watching them. You'd think I'd given them a million dollars they were so excited. And then I gave them kale. SO MANY HAPPY DUCK NOISES!
There must be something about ducks and fresh water. My friend says his pekin goes bonkers over it. I love the happy duck noises. They are so expressive.

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