Babies have arrived! Pics! And now with video!

Thanks everybody. I am so happy with them. Its so fun to have folks who understand the joy these little critters bring!

Opie, yea she's a hoot. She started out as the one that always came running to my hand. Then for some reason she backed off. But today she was right back in there. I was tickled. And her facial markings are a mirror image on each side. I guess that's normal, but its so cute. She's definitely the loudest so far too!
Looks great Kaessa! They will love it. I've moved their house around a couple times, just for better view from my kitchen window lol

And yes!! Absolutely, the first night is the worst! I don't think I went more than 2 hours at a time without looking out the window or walking out to check on them! So you are in for a few fun nights to start! It'll be ok though...
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Looks great Kaessa! They will love it. I've moved their house around a couple times, just for better view from my kitchen window lol

And yes!! Absolutely, the first night is the worst! I don't think I went more than 2 hours at a time without looking out the window or walking out to check on them! So you are in for a few fun nights to start! It'll be ok though...

LOL! The placement of the house is so I can keep an eye on it from inside my house. Anywhere else in the run and I wouldn't be able to see it from inside.
LOL! The placement of the house is so I can keep an eye on it from inside my house. Anywhere else in the run and I wouldn't be able to see it from inside.

Perfect! First I had mine turned just to where I couldn't see inside, so I had to rotate it a bit. Then after I got the pool, the house was blocking the pool, so I had to move it again. The things we do for these babies... Lol!
Well, the duck house is complete(ish), and the babies are spending the night outside for the first time. Rounding them up was fun, I think I'm going to bribe them next time. I put four big flakes of straw down, so it's nice and comfy. We'll see how they are in the morning! Does everyone worry the first night? We lined the inside with the wire so they couldn't get stuck in the pallets. The outside is just cheap siding. I need to fix a few things, extend the roofline a bit out to each side, finish burying the brick foundation, and paint. I'm going to get red primer and just cover the whole thing, it should hold up ok. Plus, primer is cheap. Total cost so far, about $120. That includes a new saw blade and a $10 box of deck screws. Here's the mostly completed project. It isn't pretty, but it holds ducks.
Wow, Kaessa. Great job. I'd totally feel safe in it. It looks great.
Thanks everybody. I am so happy with them. Its so fun to have folks who understand the joy these little critters bring!

Opie, yea she's a hoot. She started out as the one that always came running to my hand. Then for some reason she backed off. But today she was right back in there. I was tickled. And her facial markings are a mirror image on each side. I guess that's normal, but its so cute. She's definitely the loudest so far too!
Yay for Opie being the loudest. Chibs is sooo cute.
ya, and what's cool about Opie is that prominence at the end of her bill is so cool with its colored stripes. What is that thing called? I see it on all ducks.

I don't know what that's called. Somebody else answer that? When I first saw those 2 little stripes, I thought of a goatee lol.

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