Blooie's Blankie Fort

(You didn't try sneaking in any Legos, did you?)

No Legos!
can I bring my pet chicken?

Not really a hijack, just pulling you aside for a comment; If after almost a half century the heart of the person you won is sill won, then you have won everything you will ever need.
I so agree! We celebrated our 48th anniversary on Leapyear day. I've thought about trading him in a few times, but he's good to the kids and the dog don't bite him. Besides, it's too hard to housebreak another one and I've got this one pretty well trained now. At least he gets trash put on the counter above the garbage can now....another 48 years and he may figure out how the lid works on that thing and get the trash IN the can.

Love my Ken....

Don't need to open it to increase humidity because I'm really smart! I ran a catheter through the vent hole into each the water channels. Then I mixed up a batch of colored water. I draw that up with a little plain warm water with one of those meat injector syringes, then hook it to the ends of the catheters and push the water in. Because the water is colored I can see it going into both channels. Otherwise trying to fill white channels on a white incubator around 4 little baskets would be an exercise in futility! <bowing>
LOCKDOWN!! 5 eggs in lockdown

1 Naked Neck - still has a funky air cell
1 Cochin - don't hold out much hope for this one - moving in the shell but air cell is awful, saddled and end still floating
1 Leghorn - air cell still detached on one side.

1 Australorp
1 Easter Egger
Blooie, a hen sits on the eggs, pokes them every now and again, gets up to get something to eat once a day, and talks to the kids occasionally. You have to replicate that, you can do it, think like a chicken, be the chicken, release your inner chicken, pick a bad clique pun and go with it.

I do understand the stress of others watching you, I would have been in the blankie fort by myself. Good luck again.
People look at me funny when I release my inner chicken.
Oh,MY!  Warning!  Warning Will Robinson!  Cuteness overload!!  


Adorable, huh??!!?! I am thrilled, this is my first sucessful hatch- it went great!! :celebrate

Now I don't wanna leave them, ever. The lil brown ones are very special, because they are chicks from the one and only Jace- my super tame OEGB. I just love these gals! :love

I am still way up on cloud nine... Someone please pass the oreos and markers! :weee :lau
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So far I'm happy with the FI. I think it was about $125.00 or so. Do I wish we could have bought a higher end one with better reviews? Yep. But here where the nearest farm store, Walmart and decent fast food joints are a 50 mile drive one way, when you find what you need you buy it. I had 2 boxes of eggs waiting for me at home and one little Brinsea that wasn't going to hold them all, so Ken just picked up the box and said, "This'll work."

Let's see how it all works out. Shipped eggs, first time hatcher, and new incubators are a tricky combination at best!
She looks totally captivated!!

Okay, looking ahead and finding problems where they don't even exist yet, how the heck am I gonna know which chicks hatched out of which egg? I mean, when they start hatching and flopping all over the place, with bits of marked egg shell here, there and yon, how do I know which chick came out of which egg? Do I make a thingy on the top of the incubator like the top of a Whitman's Sampler box and then hope nobody moved the caramel to the toffee slot?

I know, I know....Diane, go have another soda and curl up with a good novel. <sigh>

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