Bonsai trees!

Yeah, but ever since I've been spraying it with water it seems better.

Great. Be sure to keep it out of too much sun. Also, be sure that when you put trees in pots (other plants too) that you use pots with a hole in the bottom so the water drains out. If the water does not drain out the plant drowns or the water sours. In either case the plant/tree dies. The exceptions to this are water loving plants like willow.
Great. Be sure to keep it out of too much sun. Also, be sure that when you put trees in pots (other plants too) that you use pots with a hole in the bottom so the water drains out. If the water does not drain out the plant drowns or the water sours. In either case the plant/tree dies. The exceptions to this are water loving plants like willow.

I'll make sure that happens! I'm so excited for my willow to grow, I want to plant one in a rock once I have bonsai experience!:)
I'll make sure that happens! I'm so excited for my willow to grow, I want to plant one in a rock once I have bonsai experience!:)

I have a two weeping willow, as you know, that are growing in a hole of a volcanic rock. It was started with two small branches. Do you know someone with a weeping willow tree? Mine came from another teacher who was happy to give me a few branches. Of the three I started two are growing still; a year later.
I have a two weeping willow, as you know, that are growing in a hole of a volcanic rock. It was started with two small branches. Do you know someone with a weeping willow tree? Mine came from another teacher who was happy to give me a few branches. Of the three I started two are growing still; a year later.

So, did one die or is it actually full grown?

How is the hole ever big enough to contain roots? Isn't the "root ball" pretty big?
So, did one die or is it actually full grown?

How is the hole ever big enough to contain roots? Isn't the "root ball" pretty big?

Trees grow the whole time they are alive. There are bristle cone pines out west (California) that are over 4000 years old and are still growing; yes, 4000 years old +. So to say or ask if a tree is fully grown doesn't work. With animals you can say they are fully grown at a certain age but not trees. Mature-this is when they bloom and produce seeds and that varies with each specie. I planted two weeping willow cuttings in the volcanic rock and both grew. There was no roots to begin with-now-the roots have grown throughout the volcanic rock and into the tray under the rock. The third cutting I put in a separate pot. It started to grow and then died.
Trees grow the whole time they are alive. There are bristle cone pines out west (California) that are over 4000 years old and are still growing; yes, 4000 years old +. So to say or ask if a tree is fully grown doesn't work. With animals you can say they are fully grown at a certain age but not trees. Mature-this is when they bloom and produce seeds and that varies with each specie. I planted two weeping willow cuttings in the volcanic rock and both grew. There was no roots to begin with-now-the roots have grown throughout the volcanic rock and into the tray under the rock. The third cutting I put in a separate pot. It started to grow and then died.

Oh, okay. May I please see a picture of it? It must be very cool to have those trees, it's like living art.
Oh, okay. May I please see a picture of it? It must be very cool to have those trees, it's like living art.

Look back in this thread. I have already posted a picture of the willows in the lava stone, but the picture is from last year. Or are you talking about the bristle cone pines? Type the name into a search box and click on images.
Look back in this thread. I have already posted a picture of the willows in the lava stone, but the picture is from last year. Or are you talking about the bristle cone pines? Type the name into a search box and click on images.

Oh, you posted it? Okay, I'll go see it!
I thought I had posted these pictures, but... Here they are again.



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