Call Ducks Finally Hatched

Sounds like Amanda didn't panic. LOL

You know, why are you so mean to me, Lacry? Projecting your own negative emotions, accusing me of panicking, threatening to steal away what could very well be my only surviving baby because you're convinced I'm not doing a good job. These are all very hurtful things to say to another person. Please don't treat me like I am going in blind and stupid, because although I may not be a hatching veteran I am still an animal caregiver, have dealt with plenty of bloody and delicate operations, and can employ common sense. From the sounds of things, I did everything to the letter. All I can do now is wait and keep a close eye on the egg.
All of us should be careful about what we're posting... quite a few of these posts are pretty close to being what some moderators might consider inappropriate.
{{{{{ huggs }}}}} for everyone!

I have been so busy and haven't been on here for several days:( .  I cannot believe how beautiful your 4 girls are and I hope they are all girls.  Tiggy's wing bar's color absolutely kills me.  How did that happen?  Is it common in her breed of duckness?  I have seen wing bars before in other ducks but her greenish bod with green head and white markings and then the splash of wing bar is exquisite.  Now then there's Chibs.  Her tail has black.  But I thought Pekins were all white.  I do like how it breaks up the white though.  Opie has more black in her.  Chibs' body has such a beautiful smoothness to it.  Geez, I could go on forever.  I am glad you take lots of pictures.  I love your ducks.  

just love the white duck with the black butt, have never seen one colored like that, she's lovely.
Awww. I love baby pictures!

Here's one of my little girls that hatched in the last batch. The pastel hatched with her and is also a girl. Have not checked the sex of the pied next to them that hatched with them also :)

I just love the markings on the blue girl!
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AmandaVirgina sends me a text, "lacrystol I'm worried about my baby". I was like "ok what's going on". she sends me this:

he's a little messy, So I tell her clean him up some and then send another pic. lets see what he looks like all cleaned up. so she sends this..

I thought the SAME thing, Does she have a fake a duck in the back ground?

Then she sends me this:

LOL, The fake duck MOVED?
then I get the next pics:

How the heck am I suppose to help with the FIRST problem when my focus is on this????

YES, She's nibbling on SLIPPERS. HAHAHAHAHA, Of course, I had to ask OK, where does she sleep. GOOOD LORD your not going to believe this...

LOL, SHE HAS HER NAME ON THE CAGE. SOMEONE is a little spoiled. LOL I can't believe how Clean her bed room is.. So I take it all back on how Ducks are MESSy. She's the cleanest duck I have ever seen. LOL

Thanks for the pictures AmandaVirgina!!!!

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