Chicken math

JRNash, you had me laughing so hard my sides hurt. Thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone in this crazy chicken math. Lol. My husband just shakes his head at me at says I need a refresher math course and fewer chickens. He is also plotting on hiding the incubator. He is trying to find a chicken help group for me, he thinks I'm addicted to our chickens. I can't help it that I find raising chickens therapeutic and enjoyable.

Maybe our spouses should start a support group! Not sure what they would call themselves.
Looking @catalog thinking of adding about 10-15 more. There's so many different interesting breeds. Now mind you, we only wanted 3 to start with. That will be closer to 50 count after ordering more chicks.
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Ok so since they are new and have not laid an egg even though they are one year old they cannot count. Now being in quarantine means there is no guarantee at this point that they will make it into the flock so again cannot count. That being said they cannot count until they are in the main flock AND lay an egg. Now then when they molt and stop for a while they again cannot count until molt is done and laying begins again.

Yup you still need more chickens.
Mostly I ordered them for a colorful egg basket, but I may use the EEs and Marans to try and make some olive eggers. My husband requested the Chenteclers, we've had that breed before and he really enjoyed them. I'm hoping they throw a few packing peanuts I the box too. Mine are coming from Ideal, can't wait!


I ordered them for a colorful egg basket, but I may use the EEs and Marans to try and make some olive eggers. My husband requested the Chenteclers, we've had that breed before and he really enjoyed them. I'm hoping they throw a few packing peanuts I the box too. Mine are coming from Ideal, can't wait!

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So last August I lost my 45 hens to a flood when our home barn ect was under 7 feet of water I didn't have time to react we had to go to the roof of our 2 story home so this spring I got 3 silkie hens and a roo. Lol thay started laying in sept by November I am up to 15 silkies lol my dh told me I couldn't buy any more chicks he said nothing about letting my sweet little girls hatching them for me ... He discovered last night that my show girl Mary had hatched 3 more lol yesterday he started counting heads looked at me and said um I told u that u couldn't buy any more I told him right I didn't buy them the girls gave them to me lol

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