Consolidated Kansas

I say we all get out there tomorrow and do a Spring dance! find some flowers at the store, wave them around singing, "Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!"

You KNOW it always was sure to have spring rains then...the kind that make the air musty and that pinchy damp...I want that instead of ice!!

I'm going to sleep in sunglasses to remind myself it will shine for more than 5 minutes at a time someday...or I might end up in the corner crying!

Done, done, done with this crud.
I didnt think it would happen but the sun is shining today. Amazing how you see the world different. Still cold but I will take sun any day. My first young roo crowed the other day. "Big Bird" RIWxRIR He crowed so I crowed back and he crowed again. I am sure I will soon be anoyed for the crowing.
My neighbors want more snow I want more sun. We both might win as there is more day light every day now, and there is a big storm comming in. My fellow friends in the south of Kansas I am sorry you do get both. Those of us up North I have my fingers crossed that we wont get snow.
Please no more snow! Or at least not a lot of it.

Decided today that I'm going to set some eggs this weekend. I'll be setting Speckled Sussex, SSxNH, and SSxEE. Can't wait!

Oh, and I want to buy one or two Barred Rock pullets, if anyone fairly close has them. I can meet anywhere from Lacygne, Louisburg,Paola,Stilwell, or Overland Park. Thanks!
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Yeah, the sun makes a huge difference, doesn't it? At least it's starting to dry out the mud a little. I can take the cold and snow and damp as long as the sun comes out. Today's nice enough in Wichita that I cleared out the old, dead garden plants and put them to compost. I need to get back out there and start clearing the area where I want to put the chicken coop. I keep getting ahead of myself thinking about how to do the nest boxes and what kind of feeder to make/buy, when the FIRST step is: "level the area for the (shed)." Remember: Spring WILL come!
So how are we all enjoying the snow? We had the biggest snowfall in Wichita last night than we've had for several years. Only a few inches but a lot for this region - enough to cover the grass completely. Poor chooks went to bed last night before it started snowing so they got quite a shock when I opened the coop this morning. Most of them have elected to stay in the coop, but the two pullets who are now laying have braved it to leave the coop and cross the yard (the nest box is under my deck so I wonder if they felt they had to plow through the snow to get to it?) I had actually planned to move the nest box (covered litter box) over beside the coop so they could get to it without having to go outside but they beat me to it.

So glad I went to the barn and put my horse's blanket on last night - I bet he's appreciating it right now.

School's out so I get to stay home in the warm all day but might take the kids tobogganing this afternoon. I can't say I'm thrilled to be back to winter after 51 degrees on Wednesday but may as well make the best of it huh?
I'm about 50 miles NW of you. We've got 6-7 inches and it's still snowing pretty good. Not our biggest snowfall this season. Funny how not very many miles can make a big difference.
Couple of inches of snow here, and chilly. I had to turn the coop heater lights back on last night. Neither coop of chickens want to come out. Only one of my SS hens ventured out to mingle with the ducks for a bit. As long as my pipes don't freeze, I'm ok with whatever Mother Nature sends us.

One of my home grown EE babies, who recently started laying, gave me a great big old egg today. Good girl, Heather!
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