Consolidated Kansas

Happy to post with some good news since I usually just post with problems!
Our hen RIR Blinky, afflicted with flystrike and under care since the beginning of May has actually recovered! 10 days ago there was just a small open wound area and what turned out to be old skin around it. I trimmed that off and gave her a couple more soaks. A couple of days ago it was ALL HEALED. She has also gained weight with her breast beginning to fill in. AMAZING THE HEALING CAPACITY OF CHICKENS!
Today I put isolated her in an end of the run and if all goes well in a couple of days I'll put her in the coop after her lone coop-mate Pinky has gone na-na. Blinky was dominant so I'm hoping Pinky will be happy to have her leader back.
I tried to post pictures, but keep getting error messages and logged out.
I also hope people keep posting here! Maybe I'll go post a little card with the site address at the local feed stores and county extension.
I just don't get any notices of posts any more so that may be the problem on this thread. I hate to see it shut down too, it's been going for a long time.
Yeah the same here. But I get notices for post from other threads on the Where am I? Where are you" thread or whatever it is called that Consolidated is under. I really don't want to read post from Utah or New York or whatever.
Can someone help me figure out if this is a pulled or cockerel?
I wish I could see the feathers near the tail better. The head really isn't going to help a lot. How old is it? Did it have a bare streak down it's back or did the back feather in? I'd need to see the shape of those feather on each side of the tail. The head looks more female at this point. But those lose looking tail feathers look more male.
I wish I could see the feathers near the tail better. The head really isn't going to help a lot. How old is it? Did it have a bare streak down it's back or did the back feather in? I'd need to see the shape of those feather on each side of the tail. The head looks more female at this point. But those lose looking tail feathers look more male.

We will take better pictures tomorrow
That's pretty blurry but I'm going out on a limb and saying that is a cockerel. I can't really see the shape of the feathers well but it definitely has a rooster stance.

Also I noticed in the picture this bird doesn't have a good beetle brow. Doesn't matter unless you were wanting some show quality prospect brahmas. Hope you don't think I'm being critical. I have some really great stock from excellent lines but I have some hens with the wrong type comb. They still lay eggs so they serve that purpose for sure.
That's pretty blurry but I'm going out on a limb and saying that is a cockerel. I can't really see the shape of the feathers well but it definitely has a rooster stance.

Also, I noticed in the picture this bird doesn't have a good beetle brow. Doesn't matter unless you were wanting some show quality prospect Brahmas. Hope you don't think I'm being critical. I have some really great stock from excellent lines but I have some hens with the wrong type comb. They still lay eggs so they serve that purpose for sure.
Thanks, Danz
But what is a beetle brow? My two younger kiddos would like to show next year. If we don't have what is needed please let me know. I'll try and upload Pictures of parents and if you don't mind letting me know about them


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