Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

CCL Roo over a barred rock hen...what would be the male and female features? I have three chicks, two differ from one. Two with splotchy white on the head, and one with a nice round spot. Any tips? I'm thinking, with my horrible male to female ratio on the pure chicks, I have two males.
CCL Roo over a barred rock hen...what would be the male and female features? I have three chicks, two differ from one. Two with splotchy white on the head, and one with a nice round spot. Any tips? I'm thinking, with my horrible male to female ratio on the pure chicks, I have two males.

All of my barred chicks with diffused head spots are pullets, and the 1 with a very defined spot is a roo. At 10 weeks now it's a sure thing, with the half crow starting.
Here's a few updated pictures of my sexlinks, Black Copper Marans roo over Cream Legbar hen. chicks are all black, with males having a large head spot. Some have feathered legs.

As they grow, they are all crested. Females are black with varying amounts of gold, from only hints of gold streaks on the neck to a light peppering of gold over the back, wings, and neck. Hoping for olive eggs.

Whoops pictures loaded out of order... this is a Sapphire (Cream Legbar roo X White Leghorn hen)

Another sexlink girl

Male sexlink chick. Females look identical only without the head spot.

Male sexlink approx 4 months old (BCM X CL)

And one last picture of a mature Sapphire who has been laying for about a month. Thunderfoot next to her is a Croad Langshan. Yes he is as big as he looks! They are amazing.
Forgot to say...
@i-love-my-honey . Got her set up with a female CL chick for her broody hen and a sexlink grower to add to her flock! Hers is one that is all black with just gold streaks in her neck... maybe she will share a pic later!
Forgot to say... :frow @i-love-my-honey
.  Got her set up with a female CL chick for her broody hen and a sexlink grower to add to her flock!  Hers is one that is all black with just gold streaks in her neck... maybe she will share a pic later!

"Mommy" and chick are doing well. Her name is Trilly, based on the cute trill she makes. The grower is getting used to the environment and her name is Phoenix because of her coloring. (My 11 yr. old only changed her name once before finally settling on it.) :0)

I posted pics on another thread - forgot to post here too.

Cream Legbars chicks do make a most unique trilling sound. I can pick them out from the other chicks often by it.

Do you have a pic of Pheonix to share?

And you should join us on the Okies in the BYC III thread if you haven't already!
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Name for my project, "Marble Sugartel" an anagram for SulmtalerLegbar.
I will be selecting for barred wheaten, which I should have breeding true in three more generations. They should look similar to the Polish Courtyard Hen.
Wheaten Sulmtaler Rooster over Legbar Hens = sexlinks Wild Type hens and Crele roosters. The Sulmtaler is also a crested breed. This cross is HUGE, quick growing unlike the Sulmtaler which is a more slow growth. Feathered in much faster and are twice the size from hatch to current age of 16 weeks as full blood Sulmtalers from the same hatch. Did I say they are HUGE?, they are HUGE!!! There are two Sulmtaler cockerels and one pullet in the photo also. I like the hybrid vigor in this cross. I think it will be an excellent layer and an early to the table meatie. Sulmtaler eggs are tint to light cream. The Legbar mothers lay a nice medium blue. What color eggs should I expect from this cross.


Sulmtaler hen with two Legbar hens

Barred Wheaten Polish Courtyard Hen photo from
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