d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

O. M. G. you won't believe this one! I was flogged by an 18 day old D'Anver chick today, a mini-flog! And, JJ, I saw the bottoms of both feet when he hit my hand, so it wasn't a "love tap".
And that isn't the one I already knew for sure was a cockerel, either, darn it.

Remember, of these four chicks, only one is Aimee's and the other three belong to Mina, including that porcelain. Mina may be a cockerel producer; these are her first ever chicks. I'm now sure that two of those milles are male, not sure on the porcelain yet or Aimee's feather legged chick. I think my pullet luck was all used up with the last hatch when I had 7 pullets, don't you?
I am sure it didn't mean nothing by it, just practicing. I had an OEGB do that at 4 days, turned out to be a pullet.
haha, yep you probley scared him, he was just defending himself!! LOL

Been off for a while, glad to see everyoner is still going strong here.

Cyn, likewise, I hate to hear you lost your girl, you've posted about her on here for a few years now, sure gonna miss her.

Glad to hear there was a good showing of d'anvers at the show too
Can someone critique these birds for me?
I just bought these last week and I know nothing about d'anvers, but I would like to breed them and start showing them.
I can take more pictures if needed, thanks.

All in all, they aint bad.
The one thing that jumps out though, and you'll have to fix for show is that comb. It's way too small on the males especially, and doesnt have a point at the back. Looks like a rigde of bumps from what I can see in the pic.

you want a good rose comb to be wide in the front, a decent bit higher on the head too ( more comb mainly) as it flows across the skull it till taper back to a point in the back. All this should be tight fit and roll with the shape of the skull too, in other words you dont want the point sticking up in the air on the back, it should all follow skull shape.
top should be spikey too with no holes or concave areas. It'll look sunk in if you see one like that.

There are other very minor things, mainly a touch off color wise, but honestly most look like yours anyway any more. Main thing is just fix the comb and you should be pretty good
Loosing birds left and right both Banty and LF.

Watery eyes and crusty noses. Treating with Tylan 50 and seeing some improvement but had to cull several on Friday.
Set up a sparrow trap in the run too. They have been stealing pellets from the feeders.
whew, hate to hear that.
sounds similar to MG. But a test would be needed to confirm.
If wild birds are getting in a lot, it could have very well been brought in by them.
MG or (CRD) usually isnt highly deadly, but it is hard to get rid of, and the ones who get over it will carry it. If you have a lab that could test them, that would be great.
It usually runs it's course in 2-3 weeks and they are fine after that. But every time they get stressed, it'll pop back up. That's why it's seen so much in the winter time. The cold weather makes it come up.
Keep them on Tylan or a Tetracyline based drug. It does nothing for MG ( no drug does even though they all say they do), other than help prevent other infections while they are down with it. Basically it's similar to us getting a cold, you just have to let it run it's course and treat the symptoms.

Pretty much, that's all you can do. But a lab test will let you know for sure what you're dealing with. Hope they get better. I was reading up a little the other day on MG . It's said that it's believed now that close to 75-90% of all backyard flocks carry it. Think that might be a little over inflated, but it just shows it's pretty common.
Just go to the disease section on here and look at how many post you see with watery eye, swollen eye, sneezing, snotty nose, etc... all those are pretty much MG cases.

Anyway, keep them medicated. Hope for the best, and get a test if you can on them to know for sure . If you dont plan to sell and just have them for your personal enjoyment, they'll all be fine. Just keep some meds on hand. Once you see 1 showing signs, treat them all again.
Here is what I have on hand:

liquid Duramycin which could be added to all water and changed daily for MG....could treat the entire flock. ...can add sugar to make it more palatable.

Tetracycline in powder form... Could this be sprinkled on their food?

Vet RX added to water...supposedly the camphor oil helps with the breathing as it coates the beak when they drink

Tylan 50 1/2 cc per large fowl and 1/4 cc for each banty has been the dose so far...Some show improvement within two days. Some have shown only the watery eyes and no other symptoms. Others are showing matted eyes and nostrils and I'm culling if they show no improvement by 3rd day. So far the loss/cull includes 5 young birds (7 weeks old), 6 Banty and 4 large hens....in the last three days.

Agricylin 200 injectible...the dose is harder to judge

Are you suggesting treating all the birds or just those showing symptoms?
all of them for sure. Usually stuff like this is spread very quickly. especially MG cause it is spread by dust and what not too, so can get air born pen to pen like that. Though traffic pen to pen by us is still the number one spreader.

The tetracycline and oxytetracycline can be put in the water of all of them the easiest. That's what I'd do. Depending on what you have the dose varies. But it needs a high concentration to help after they have it anyway. think most all the "mycin" meds are for use in water or feed in powder form.

Usually they recommend 2 weeks of treatment for cases that have already broke out. and yes after about 3 days they start getting better.
Just remember if it is MG the ones that got it will always carry it, and can pass it from mother to egg, which is what stinks. Found out though as long as they arent showing signs, most of the chicks come out uninfected from carrier moms.

Also, outside of a host, MG can only live 3 days. so if you can isolate the sick from the not sick and let the pens lay out without birds in them from a week, all the MG in there will be dead and safe to return uninfected birds too. Seems it's a very frail organism outside of a host , so doesnt last long.
Hoping for the best for you
Took some pictures today.
My new millie cockerel .

My golden neck pullet from BBB

My two columbianish pullets from my silver quail. they show a little red that I hope will clean up down the road.

From the project pen a lavander silver quail pullet.

A Mottled Quail OOPS!


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