d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Wasn't that bad, wasn't even freezing, snow's pretty much gone today. Looks pretty bad down there on TWC tonight.

Just noticed page 500!
yep we sure did didnt we, didnt even notice it, page 500 !

yep we are getting pretty nasty here, inbetween two major lines right now, all calm and clear, but round two is coming with the tornadoes. That's what we get in a 75 degree Christmas I guess. Had the AC on in the house today...crazy.

I agree too on the chick, looks like a porcelain, butt looks pale blue... and love the temp reader, looks like they got an Ipod for Christmas!!
Woohoo. Then they are both porcelain cause they look like twins!

Now the other different looking little pullet (hehe) she is darkish blue, darker then a normal blue quail. She has white and creamy colors on her and patches on her head. She has reddish brown right on the top of her head.

Here are some pics.

most likely a blue silver quail then, may have a touch of red leakage later on based off the red spot on the head.
In d'anver pretty much a dark body and head and pale or white cheeks = quail of some form.
black and tan =quail
black and white =silver quail
tan and cream= dun quail

or add blue and get the blue versions
Candled eggs tonight, 2/3 of my silver quail were infertile. 12 hens are too many for one rooster. wasn't planning on them laying this early, guess I need to do some thing. All my blue silvers were good and both crele and the columbian,and lavender silver quails.
that's good that the others are good though. Lots of time this time of year fertility does tend to drop. The testosterone levels go down during and after a molt, once spring hits though, they'll be in a loving mood again
Aubrey, Mina is broody again. Remember, she was broody at the same time as Aimee and Molly, but I didn't let her have eggs. So she has one of her own eggs on Day 5 tomorrow. Silly hen. This is the second time in two months now that she has been a screaming mimi. The chicks are growing like weeds. I named the two males Spike and Sam. Won't even try to rehome them. If someone wants a male, I can part with one, but with 7 hens, 3 males will be okay.

I think I need to trim Aubrey's spurs-they are super long and two different colors. One is black and one is white, LOL.

We had snow flurries today. Temps dropped all day, wind howled. Not fun.

My DH's oldest younger sister's house burned to the ground Christmas day. We had just been there for a big family dinner on Sunday. No one was hurt, but it went up fast. Thank goodness for working smoke detectors in the drive-under basement garage. The cars were in there and that fuel make it go up so quickly, they barely got themselves and the dogs out before the house was engulfed. They lost literally everything.
Cynthia, good to hear from you. Hate to hear about the house fire, on Christmas day, that is just awlfull. Glad no one was hurt.

We got about 4 more inches of snow today with an inch or so of sleet on top of it.

I had to remove the spurs on a bb red rooster they were about an inch and a half and he liked to use them. It sounds awlful but I just got a hold of them with a pair of pliers and twisted just a little bit and they came off really easy. Two shots of blue coat on the nubs and he is good to go.
I've used a dremel on Aubrey's spurs once before to blunt the ends; well, I held him tight and wide-eyed while DH did it. They probably need 1/4" removed again from each of them, just so he doesn't start tripping over them.

I used to cut spurs on my roosters, then started wondering why I was doing it. I don't keep aggressive roosters here (other than the snotty little D'Anvers, who only count as 1/8 of a rooster, LOL) and they need their weapons if they're going to defend against our many predators while on range, to whatever measure they're able. All we do now is blunt the ends and keep them just short enough so they don't trip themselves up. Both Suede and Isaac have had 2" spurs for most of their lives. Of course, Suede is gone now, but we just had to trim some off of Ike's again recently because his Hitler walk was getting worse, walking over the spurs.

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