d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I agree 100%! If Aubrey was still being a little jerk like he used to be, he'd already have had a trim. Not much good spurs would do a D'Anver rooster anyway. They're too small to be able to defend themselves well unless they get a raccoon right in the eye and make him back off, LOL.

Did you see the movie "Cold Mountain" with Renee Zellwegger? I love the line in that movie when she snatches up that rooster and says something like "I despise a floggin' rooster." Then she pulls his head off and says "Let's put him in a pot!". A d'Anver wouldn't make a decent size sandwich, though.
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I've used a dremel on Aubrey's spurs once before to blunt the ends; well, I held him tight and wide-eyed while DH did it. They probably need 1/4" removed again from each of them, just so he doesn't start tripping over them.

I used to cut spurs on my roosters, then started wondering why I was doing it. I don't keep aggressive roosters here (other than the snotty little D'Anvers, who only count as 1/8 of a rooster, LOL) and they need their weapons if they're going to defend against our many predators while on range, to whatever measure they're able. All we do now is blunt the ends and keep them just short enough so they don't trip themselves up. Both Suede and Isaac have had 2" spurs for most of their lives. Of course, Suede is gone now, but we just had to trim some off of Ike's again recently because his Hitler walk was getting worse, walking over the spurs.
yep if you want to blunt them that works perfect. I do the twist off method though. Most of the time they just slide off like a loose tooth. I have to do it 3-4 times a year on the long tails cause they grow fast just like the feathers, just once on the d'anvers to help them walk. Just a little wiggle side to side and the outer sleeve will come right off.

also hate to hear bout the fire, glad they are OK.

And darn that girl and her broody ways, sure she aint a silkie? haha
Aubrey, I think ALL these little D'Anvers are part Silkie! Aimee has raised three, count 'em, THREE, broods this year! I hope she doesn't want to do this every year. Carly has raised one batch, Penny one and of course, this is Mina's second time being broody in two months, though she hasn't raised a chick yet.
Put that mean bb red in the rooster pen today, pretty sure they were going to kill him. So I hurried up and finished one of my new breeder pens and put him in there with a BBB crele pullet and three bb red pullets that I made. He still wants to flog you every time the door is opened.
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