d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Aubrey, I love your pics, and I bookmark the pages, since it has many of them to look back on for identification. Thank You it really does help. JJ, I too l ike your chick pictures, they are always so good, i have been trying to figure out if you have a place set up for taking pictures.

So today I hope is picture day of my crew. It was snowing yesterday and areas around the pens was mud. So we didnt spend much time down there.
Aubrey, I love your pics, and I bookmark the pages, since it has many of them to look back on for identification. Thank You it really does help. JJ, I too l ike your chick pictures, they are always so good, i have been trying to figure out if you have a place set up for taking pictures.

So today I hope is picture day of my crew. It was snowing yesterday and areas around the pens was mud. So we didnt spend much time down there.
Nothing too extravagant. Just a box with white paper taped on the inside . Shows the color better and keeps the chick from running away,thats why they look scared.
dang cynthia,
your luck has just gone to crap the past bit hasnt it. Glad yall are OK and it wasnt worse than what it was, least it can be fixed.... hoping for better luck this spring for you
Speckledhen that is awful!

DH ok too??

Oh I am thankful that you are OK and if looks like you still can salvage some things!
OMG, Cyn, Glad the fire was contained to only the kitchen, and no one was hurt. You definintly have had your share of bad luck, i think its time it turns around.

Ok we have pictures. I think I will up load in batches. So Aubrey and anyone else, if there is a bird that should be sold just say so. I am really early in my D'anver breeding, so I would rather cull as I need. All of these birds are may 2012 hatches. Some were cooperative others not so much. I accidently deleted a profile picture of 1, so will have to get another one of her. I think She is my favorite millie hen. All look like they lack in beards, but they actually were pushed in from being carried up to the house for the photo shoot. SOme of them stood up to tall so they look a little long in back, but I still want to know your thoughts, and how to proced with breeding.
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Batch 2: All Millie hens. I have to retake a picture of my first one, but I have 1 picture of her that isnt to bad, I deleted her good picture.

Millie hen 35

Millie Hen 38

Millie Hen 32

Millie Hen 37

Cynthia- Hate to hear bout the fire. But like Aubrey said. glad no one was hurt and it is fixable.

Aubrey-- Happy Birthday!!!

Kris- Hate to say it but on the goldnecks, I think you need to sell them all....to me. and the porcelain roo too.

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