d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Laseterlass, congratulations! Those are some gorgeous colors. Dunn cuckoo sounds amazing. You must be so excited!

Congrats, Chickee! May you have a super hatch!

Anyone, just curious, are D'anvers a chatty breed? Our EE never makes a sound except her egg song, but our Speckled Sussex follows me, singing the whole time. I imagine it's individual, but just wondering where D'anvers tend to fall on the spectrum.
My pullet is very quiet, but the rooster crows a lot in the evening when they are getting ready to bed down for the night. He is quiet during the day since he is in with bantam buff Brahmas and that rooster is the boss
I have a Boggy Bottom Assortment of D'anvers in my incubator. I think I have the notes on the egg tips figured out .DQ. Dun Quail? SQ. Silver Quail?
CU. Cuckoo? DCU. Dun Cuckoo? I am very impressed. The P.O got them to me on Wednesday. All the way to Anchorage Alaska!
All in one piece too!
yep you got all my codes right.... good luck with them too, glad they got there in one piece
Anyone, just curious, are D'anvers a chatty breed? Our EE never makes a sound except her egg song, but our Speckled Sussex follows me, singing the whole time. I imagine it's individual, but just wondering where D'anvers tend to fall on the spectrum.
yep the hens just make a soft pur for the most part unless they get excited about something. Now the roosters have the most high pitched ear peircing crow you've ever heard. Not sure how bad it is with just a few, but since I have hundreds....well you know when the sun is coming up... but over all they arent bad, but to be so little they can sure crow when they want too. They arent overly vocal those, a few here and there is all....not like they go nonstop with it.... now my long crower breeds do nothing like a 15-20 second crow
Took some pictures of my porcelain rooster today. He is hard to photograph since he doesn't stand still for long. He is a sweet boy and I can't wait to hatch out some girls for him from Aubrey's eggs
Boys too for my porcelain hen!

Wow, everyone have some great hatches coming. I have been hatch lots here, mostly goldnecks, but I am finding some have more black on them a few that are real clean down. So should be interesting. I am the worse for getting pictures.

I will say we have roosters crowing at 3 weeks and I am not joking. This porcelain in the house started at 3 weeks, it was no doubt a boy, but didnt expect that early of a crower.

I love the sounds the girls make it is a chatty churpy sound so darn sweet, Warmhart, you will love these guys they are really a sweet breed. Everytime we go in their coop at least 2-3 will fly up on our shoulders or head and chat.

Aubrey thanks for the critique on SPike and Cyn thanks for allowing it to be public. I am always learning, and I think I have an eye for breed type, but still learning the colors.
The hens purr and chatter to you?
Okay, now my wait for my sweet little D'anvers to incubate and hatch has just become interminable!
I love photos everyone, and thank you Aubrey and Kris and Chickee for the input on D'anvers girls being chatty.

I'm glad I've chosen mille fleur, because I'll at least be able to find my hen once her white speckles come in. We have a free-range set-up with a huge fully-fenced backyard that has a meadow, woods, and cover, but our chicken pen is also huge and is in the woods. It's easy to find my standard-sized hens free-ranging in the meadow, but harder to find them in the deeply wooded pen unless I really look. The mille fleur youngsters look like buff colombians a little... how old are they when they start to get a bit of white spotting? I know the white increases as they molt and age, but just wondered when some white might start to appear on the youngsters. That'll make the little sweeties more visible.
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We hatched 9 more Quail chicks over the weekend. My son is very excited about these.

We cleaned up the incubator and set 7 more eggs on Sunday. There are now 3 Lavendar d'Anver, and 4 OEGB eggs cooking. Can't wait for the Lavendar's to hatch.
The hens purr and chatter to you?
Okay, now my wait for my sweet little D'anvers to incubate and hatch has just become interminable!
I love photos everyone, and thank you Aubrey and Kris and Chickee for the input on D'anvers girls being chatty.

I'm glad I've chosen mille fleur, because I'll at least be able to find my hen once her white speckles come in. We have a free-range set-up with a huge fully-fenced backyard that has a meadow, woods, and cover, but our chicken pen is also huge and is in the woods. It's easy to find my standard-sized hens free-ranging in the meadow, but harder to find them in the deeply wooded pen unless I really look. The mille fleur youngsters look like buff colombians a little... how old are they when they start to get a bit of white spotting? I know the white increases as they molt and age, but just wondered when some white might start to appear on the youngsters. That'll make the little sweeties more visible.
The d'Anvers would not survive a free range situation or uncovered pen. They would be easily picked off by hawks, and other predators. They are the size of a pigeon, too docile and not predator savoy! Mine are kept in a 10 x 10 covered dog kennel that has been separated into two runs with 2 attached 5'x5' chicken houses.

I am getting excited for my babies to hatch too! It does seem like a long wait, but I am so happy that 9 eggs are still growing strong
Hope you have as good of luck with yours

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