d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Today is Day 20 for my D'anvers hatching eggs. The teacher did not candle them, I think. By tomorrow evening when my fiance is set to come home from work, he will bring home any chicks who have hatched.
The teacher will come in over the weekend on Saturday and Sunday to care for any chicks who may hatch late, as he'll have a brooder box set up there, too.
Teeny puffy peeping mille fleur Barbu D'anvers babies coming home tomorrow night!

Talk about a Happy Mother's Day!
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The last one hatched after midnight so still in the bator. I did get a surprise. The bluish quail chick. It is not the same as the dun quail. The Cuckoo and Dun Cuckoo look the same to me. As they mature I will be able to see the difference. I tried banding them as they hatched. My bands are to big. Better pictures later after coffee and a shower.

Say a little prayer for our shipped babies. They are late! :(
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Very hard to pick up the color. Its Mauveish.

Also a cuckoo with no spot? Probably a boy?

Our mailed babies are in bad shape and half of them are dead. The box says CALL FOR PICKUP and they threw them in a truck and hauled them all over town! My friend ranall around yesterday looking for them! And finally found them this morning :(
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I think the P.O. generally resents having to deal with animals. Seems so anyway. Sorry about the babies. I'll never get chicks through the mail for this reason, nor will I ever ship adults.

Mina is sitting on 4 eggs, one from my barred EE, one from my blue Ameraucana hen (both are 5 years old and with my Delaware rooster) and two of Aimee's since her eggs usually hatch and always seem to produce pullets, though they all have Kentucky Leg Fungus and are noticeably larger than most D'Anver pullets. My LF EE hen also has two of Aimees in her clutch and she is on Day 10 tomorrow.

Pics from today. The "Baby Huey" in there is my 9 week old DelaWyanCauna cockerel, Valentino, raised by Carly.

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Very hard to pick up the color. Its Mauveish.

Also a cuckoo with no spot? Probably a boy?

Our mailed babies are in bad shape and half of them are dead. The box says CALL FOR PICKUP and they threw them in a truck and hauled them all over town! My friend ranall around yesterday looking for them! And finally found them this morning
Oh no! How sad!!!! Incompetent postal workers!!
I hope the ones that made it alive survive. Poor things!! Our post office workers are very careful with live chicks and hatching egg deliveries. There just is no excuse for that! I hope you let them know how badly they messed up!

On the other hand . . Congratulations on your hatch! How neat you also got a surprise chick!
Blue Quail is also on my want list! Aren't they just adorable?! I am really hooked on them. I am selling one of my other bantam breeds to make room for more d'Anvers
The babies
are HERE!
Three babies hatched and came home last night, and the other three eggs are all pipping! The other 3 hatching chicks will come home this evening. 100% hatch rate on shipped eggs! Aubrey, isn't this amazing? You must've sent some really fresh eggs, and the postal workers must have been gentle with the box.

Laseterlass, I am so sorry for the loss of your mailed chicks. That makes me so mad! May those who survived, truly thrive in your loving care.

Chickee, how are your colorful chicks doing?

Aubrey, I know that there are darker and lighter mille fleurs, but wow! Two of the three hatched so far are kinda light walnut-brown colored, but one is a very pale cream/yellow .. a pastel lemon-mirengue color with a distinct black spot on it's head.
Hmm.. just peeked at JJ's earlier mille fleur chick pics, and I think he had pale creamy-lemon chicks. Will the brown chicks and the creamy-lemon chicks feather out to be the same color adults? THAT is the mystery!

The two brown babies are gentle and sweet. The pale cream/lemon with the black spot stands up very upright, is very bold, and keeps getting it's head stuck in things, stepping in the water, etc. (We suspect it's a boy

I LOVE these chicks! They are so very dear. Thank you Aubrey!

PS-- Just got a text from my fiance at work, he says the other three eggs have all successfully hatched... with what looks to be two creamy pale yellows-with-the-black-spot and another brown!
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JJ, thank you for being so helpful! Some do look like yours, but the unusual one has a big black spot atop it's head, kinda like the righthand chick in your top photo but the black spot is bigger and looks almost like a little skullcap. The brown chicks are truly brown-- like the medium-brown color of a walnut. Interesting-- the hatch had 3 pale yellow chicks and 3 brown chicks.

I'm surprised how CALM they are. They sleep or toddle about, trying to peck at the scattered chick starter on the paper towels, but I held each for 1 second, and they were amazingly calm. Not like the excited Leghorn chicks and RIRs and Barred Rock chicks at Agway. These D'anvers didn't want to get off my hand, because it was warm, maybe. The incubator is toasty and they are doing really well.

PS-- I'll try to get photos up tomorrow!
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This is just a photo of the set-up the first 3 to hatch are in temporarily at home. Three other chicks hatched last night, are in another incubator at the school, and are coming home tonight. The photo doesn't show it well, but the brown chicks are quite dark. Cute, cute, cute! (the 3 chicks are on the left of the photo)


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