d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Oh No this was like fighting rooster stuff grabbing with beak and kicking! I split the chicks into smaller groups instead of one large group and he has settled down. Apparently D'uccles irritate him. Since your here. I have a few Cuckoos that are all black while the others are showing the coloration. Is it likely they will remain black? And do you have blue splash?

I mean mottled.
yep if they are feathering up black, they'll just be black. yes I have blue mottled, dun mottled, black mottled and lavender mottled. But just a couple here and there of the odd stuff, been working on them a couple years and think I'll be able to have some to work with next year. right now it's all project breeding, so some come out right, some arent mottled. Breeding a black mottled male over duns and blues that carry mottling for that project. Then breeding porcelain males back over black girls that carry both mottling and lavender. Should have some next spring.

If you wanted to try a few from the dun and blue pen, I can get you some up. The dun mottled are georgious too... chocolate with white spots !
Aubrey, that Silkie blood in my D'anvers is taking over again (J/K, Aubrey has no Silkie blood in his d'anvers, in case someone is taking me seriously, lol) Carly is broody again. Her "son" is just 10 weeks old, for crying out loud! Mina is on Day 13 tomorrow and I guess Carly was just too influenced by her. I have three other broodies already in the LF pens.
haha !! that's always good to hear
Some new pictures and questions

Aubrey, do you think this buff Columbian chick is going to feather in the proper color? Sure seems to have a lot of black mossiness in the feathers. It is so different looking than my bantam buff Columbian Brahma chicks coloring. The chest feathers are coming in solid buff though.

Look at the difference in coloring on these two Khaki Quail chicks. Do you think I have a pair? One is larger than the other. Tails are shaped differently too.

The d'Anvers look so cute cuddled in with my Ameraucanas!

yes that should be a perfect buff columbian. They tend to loose the black with age. You have to also remember compared to the other breeds that have been around in that color forever, even though the d'anver is standardized in buff columbian, they really didnt exisit til a couple years ago, there's still a few bugs to work out, but they are getting better with each year.

on the quails color? You could be on to something there. I never get to watch just a few at the time grow up, so I kinda like the progress pics. All my brooders have hundreds in each of them so everything just kinda blends in. But I am betting you're right on the sex idea. It'll be obvious in a few more weeks though once they feather out good. Laced back, girl, solid back boy
Chickee, I love seeing how your babies are feathering out! You definitely are going to have some truly gorgeous birds! The khaki quail are a gorgeous color, I'm looking forward to seeing yours grow up.

SpeckledHen, thank you for popping in here! I love hearing about Carly and Mina, and Penny & company! Your photos and stories are what nudged me to make the jump into getting some d'Anvers for myself. Especially that your Penny and Carly (I think?) are so friendly, even when not raised in a brooder in the home. What phenomenal temperaments!
But, I also suspect you've done a wonderful job handling them as babies.
I'm gently handling my 6 little week-old chicks a few times a day, telling them how much I love them. I hope this helps!

Aubrey, thank you, thank you, thank you for these chicks! They all have obvious beards, and each chick has been vital and healthy, knock wood. Thanks also for filling me in on Elmer's Mama! I didn't know we had yellow milles (or pale creams) in this country. That's neat! Think he'll grow to be about colored like SpeckledHen's "Spike?" He isn't cream, but he's handsome and a lighter-colored breast.
Anyway, I cannot believe how calm and friendly Elmer is! He lets me stroke his breast gently with my finger. What a doll!

I'm working a few times per day to softly hold and give sweet-talk & attention to each chick individually. Then at mid-day, I bring 3 chicks at a time into the kitchen to have a mealworm party on the kitchen floor. I want them to associate me handling them with GOOD things. For those who have accustomed chicks to handling to be tame, how am I doing? Anything I should do differently? I've never done this before.
So far, just one chick seems to be reaching out to connect with me (Elmer). I'm hoping the others will, eventually, with continued brief periods of individual handling & attention.
no problem glad they are doing so well for you. Yep there's yellow milles here... not the cream's now, though they look similar. I havent yet seen a male that color though, they usually darken up a bit as they grow, though still not dark red like they should be. Show wise they wouldnt qualify, but I never have been one to do what a judge says anyway haha... I breed for what I like...
oh I am working on the true lemon creams too, though there's a couple recessive genes there and an outcross required to boot, so it'll be a few years before i have any I can truly call d'anvers. But once I do, I'll cream up everything with reds in them haha.. I have lemon cream pyle phoenix now... they are beautiful, also have cream ginger red ohiki... cream body black tail.... it's really pretty too.... but that mille with it takes the cake for sure to me.

Let me see if I can dig up a pic of Elmers mom for you too...
yep if they are feathering up black, they'll just be black.  yes I have blue mottled, dun mottled, black mottled and lavender mottled. But just a couple here and there of the odd stuff, been working on them a couple years and think I'll be able to have some to work with next year. right now it's all project breeding, so some come out right, some arent mottled. Breeding a black mottled male over duns and blues that carry mottling for that project. Then breeding porcelain males back over black girls that carry both mottling and lavender. Should have some next spring.

If you wanted to try a few from the dun and blue pen, I can get you some up. The dun mottled are georgious too... chocolate with white spots !

Yes please. P.M me the cost. I love sparrow. I am very glad he settle back down.
Aubrey, Spike is on guard over Carly while she is on the nest. He did the same thing when she was incubating her now 10 week old DelaWyanCauna "son". He sits sideways on a nestbox divider near Carly (who, though tiny, is head hen), every night instead of on the roost as he normally would. And so far, not one flog toward me. He will usually fly to me if I hold out my arm and call him, too. How about that behavior for a D'Anver male, eh?

My little Aubrey hurt his leg and I had to give him a baby aspirin and separate him in a pet carrier for a couple of days to keep him off of it. He seems much better now, but he was in lots of pain, so much that I easily caught him to separate him.
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yes that should be a perfect buff columbian. They tend to loose the black with age. You have to also remember compared to the other breeds that have been around in that color forever, even though the d'anver is standardized in buff columbian, they really didnt exisit til a couple years ago, there's still a few bugs to work out, but they are getting better with each year.

on the quails color? You could be on to something there. I never get to watch just a few at the time grow up, so I kinda like the progress pics. All my brooders have hundreds in each of them so everything just kinda blends in. But I am betting you're right on the sex idea. It'll be obvious in a few more weeks though once they feather out good. Laced back, girl, solid back boy
Thanks Aubrey! That is good to know about the laced back for a girl and solid for the boys on the khaki quail chicks. The BC chick is going to be so pretty. Hoping it is a girl so I can pair it with my porcelain rooster. My porcelain hen started laying a few months back, laid 2 eggs and has not laid another egg since
I love the Dun color on the Dun Cuckoos, so when you mentioned the Dun mottled I got real excited! Just might have to have some of those!! The lemon cream pyle Phoenix sound gorgeous!!
Do you have pictures of both of those colors?
Aubrey, thank you for showing me Elmer's mama and papa! What gorgeous colors, both the light and the dark milles.

The d'Anvers babies when outdoors for their very first field trip yesterday! I built a moveable, little play-pen for me to sit in with them in the grass in the sunshine. They all clearly know that I am their "Mama!" nobody wanted to get off my lap for a good 5 minutes or so. And the clingiest of all? Bold, adventurous Elmer!
Here's some pics of the babies first outing.

At first, everyone wanted to stay right with Mama....


Most were reluctant to leave the warmth and familiarity of my hand...


Elmer wanted to stay on my lap the longest.

"But, Mama! Da werld... it is so BEEG!"


But soon, the babies were down and exploring...


Although usually-brave Elmer did take a little convincing...



A bare patch in the lawn, and two blond babies began to have-- you guessed it-- their very first outdoor dust bath...


The gold one is reeeeallly lovin' this dust-bath idea!


Some were just enjoying the sunshine, the breeze, the birdsong, the feel of grass beneath their feet...


Some even got sleepy after all the adventures, and took a short rest...


It was a lovely day for exploration...


Then, I gathered up six tired d'Anvers babies, and brought them inside for a nap/preening period to snooze.

Following their nap period in their brooder box, we celebrated their first "field trip" with a rockin' watermelow party! Rock on, babies!


A good time was had by all! (Seriously-- they pecked out most of this watermelon piece, the watermelon party was a BIG hit!
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Speckled hen you must have all the broody for my girls. As mine kinda hit a broodyness, for about a week and we kept taking the eggs away and now I am getting 11 eggs a day from them. I have 10 hens at laying age.

So I will go get a picture, but Aubrey, I have a goldneck roo and the porcelain roo and I hatched out a couple of chicks that are well very black feathered out.

its really odd. I am going to try and get a picture of her. This girl, I have one like it that is a roo to, I know they are millie, but they have a black breast they areApril 6 hatch date.

The other one I wonder about is almost white. Now this one I know the mother is one of the goldnecks, she has the leg fuzz and so does he. I have 2 just like it and they are both roos. I am fairly sure they must be out of the porcelain roo? So goldneck/ porcelain cross

thoughts? Most of my hatchs have light Millies very buff looking browns,

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