d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Kris I bet that's a dominate white porcelain then . A clear pic would be nice to see of it. I'd you have a mate I'd breed them for that color. will be awesome . They will have no lavender color all that will be white. But they are still lavender under the white. So you can breed to porcelain and get back half of each
I got some Bearded Belgians and the cockerels are so aggressive. When I feed them they run up and attack my hands. Is this behavior common for the breed?
Kris I bet that's a dominate white porcelain then . A clear pic would be nice to see of it. I'd you have a mate I'd breed them for that color. will be awesome . They will have no lavender color all that will be white. But they are still lavender under the white. So you can breed to porcelain and get back half of each

I will get a clear picture of him but it will be a little while he is pretty dirty. I only have the 2 and both are boys and they are really young. The one is only 4 weeks and I am fairly sure is a cockerel, but I could be wrong. So will wait.. The one pictured above was born April 6th so He too is really young.

So I am waiting to see how he matures out and what happens when he moults.
I'm so in love with these d'Anvers babies! Aubrey, I cannot thank you enough!! JJ, you, too, have been a huge help with info. I've still got so much to learn. SpeckledHen, your stories and pics are what gave me the final nudge. Thank you for posting here!

Update: The six chicks are now 2 weeks old, and growing even some breast feathers now. The coloration of the feathers coming in, no matter what the down color was, is a very vivid, rich, vibrant glowing caramel. We aren't sure yet, but we think we may possibly have 3 boys, 3 girls, judging by the jumbo-feets on the boys, wider combs, bigger heads, etc. Guess we'll know for sure in a few weeks!

Right now, my fiance is building them a large, covered pen, for the future when they're feathered out in a few more weeks and can be moved to their own seperate, secure d'Anvers coop.. which we just ordered yesterday! The d'Anvers pen iwill allow our existing flock of 4 standard-sized hens will be able to ogle them from outside the pen, and get accustomed to them for a few weeks before we suddenly innundate our 4 big girls with 6 d'Anvers in our large fenced backyard-- so they'll have room to escape any hazing. We'll add several extra water and food dishes, too. I actually also have two separate types of calls to bring either the 4 big hens.. or the 6 d'Anvers... to me, if need be, like just before sunset, when I want the d'Anvers to go into their own coop. Eventually, some of the d'Anvers will go to bantam-savvy homes, and we'll keep a few with our flock.

I've fallen in love with two so far. Remember this girl?


I think that she may be my girl. Calm and trusting little Zen master. She came from a super-small egg, was the smallest chick, and everything about her nature is soft, soft, soft. What do you think of "Emmaline," Emmy for short?
Just found out yesterday that the cockerel we got as a chick from Tractor Supply appears to be a quail d'Anver! The wife is insistent that we keep him, but I'm having trouble finding anyone with pullets available. Surely someone else lucked out and got a pullet chick from them, but I guess they don't know what they have, or they're not looking to sell! I'll try to put in pics of our little guy tonight. He's as sweet as can be, with no aggression even when he was around our OEGB roo.

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