d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

My chooks are now in their big new walk in cage and loving it:)
I picked Peck up for a look and I think it is just her feather colouring. They are so gentle little chookies:D My buff Orpington Joss is molting and has mad spike feathers protruding from her neck. Found out my sebright hen is actually a cockerel so he is going off to live in the Highlands on my folks farm this weekend. We are bringing back one of their littlies instead.
My hatch was complete last Thursday & I'm disappointed that only 1 of the d'anvers hatched? I even had to help it out if the shell.
It is the first offspring of my splash, quail d'anver pen. I had 19 silkie chicks hatch
The d'anver
is named "Lucky"!
Does anyone think it was a low hatch rate because these were pullet eggs?
Did you open the eggs? You would know more if you did. Also as I discovered with small quail eggs. They cool faster than larger eggs. So I stopped candling them.
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Did you open the eggs? You would know more if you did. Also as I discovered with small quail eggs. They cool faster than larger eggs. So I stopped
candling them.

No, I put the non-hatched ones under a broody silkie, but they didn't hatch for her either. After 27 days I was afraid they would stink too bad and tossed them.
The d'anvers stopped laying -EVERYONE STOPPED ACTUALLY- so I will have to try again in the spring.
They are such sweet, little chickens. Lucky is thriving amidst all the "big" silkie brooder-mates. I hope it's a pullet & then we'll call her Lucy. My other d'anver pullets are named, Pearl, Opal & Oyster. The boys are Rusty & Dusty....love this breed!
I just popped in for a real quick Hi because I knew my nemesis would miss me *waves at JJ*. Been busy with our new biz venture, website building, soapmaking and tanning deer hides

WHICH btw JJ...I want your deer hides so get to hunting them monsters ya'll are supposed to have over yonder. Just be careful skinning them and don't go all Freddy Kruger on em then I can tell you how to salt them and where to ship them to me. hehehehehehe

I will get pics of the coch'anver hooligans for ya but it looks like oddity is gonna be a very dark MF or ???? who knows around here. Will get pics and post em tomorrow. toodles all.

*waves bye bye to Aubrey and throws KLF spores at JJ*

This is one of my quail pullets. I personally think she has outstanding plumage. I'm curious to know what everybody else thinks... I'll post a couple more as well.

Oh, and no edit done:)
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JJ, get over there and enter that contest--there is a men's prize, too, you know.
You need some soap to neutralize all those spores she's throwing at you, buddy.

The oldest of the cockerels in my pen has turned into the typical D'Anver male, much to my irritation. He is channeling Rusty now, thinks he's all that and a box of cracker jacks. Spike is the main referee in the pen and Aubrey does periodic duties. Poor Lucy, both young men want her and she wants NO man so I'm afraid she may get hurt. They were both pulling on her head with her pulling the opposite way a couple of days ago. Spike made them stop, but I'm a little worried about her. Everyone zeroes in on sweet little Wrong Way Lucy.
JJ, get over there and enter that contest--there is a men's prize, too, you know.
You need some soap to neutralize all those spores she's throwing at you, buddy.

The oldest of the cockerels in my pen has turned into the typical D'Anver male, much to my irritation. He is channeling Rusty now, thinks he's all that and a box of cracker jacks. Spike is the main referee in the pen and Aubrey does periodic duties. Poor Lucy, both young men want her and she wants NO man so I'm afraid she may get hurt. They were both pulling on her head with her pulling the opposite way a couple of days ago. Spike made them stop, but I'm a little worried about her. Everyone zeroes in on sweet little Wrong Way Lucy.
Now Cynthia, you know design is a process and cannot be rushed.

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