d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Please don't be angry with me for asking this:

We have splash-quail d'anvers and get about 50/50 pullets/cockerels when we hatch the eggs. People love the girls but the cockerels and roisters are mean little buggers! I don't mind an occasional attack on my legs but they bite and draw blood at my hands and the roosters sometimes follow my 2 year old in the yard.
I've never been so frustrated with any of our chickens as I am with these boys. Maybe we have a bad, bloodline but my question is:
Do d'anver roosters make good meat chickens?
Chicken nuggets-lol! Well, they better behave or they will become supper.
The only other roosters we have a silkies and I have to protect them from the 2 year old. Thanks for the tip...we can lock up the d'anvers if the little guy wants to play outside.
My own "problem child", Rusty2, will flog me just for the heck of it. A couple of days ago, he came all the way across the coop, jumped up and flogged me way up in the side of the hip, just because I wasn't paying attention and he saw an opening. So, a 2 year old has no chance of avoiding an attack like that. Better safe than sorry with small children. Of course, to an adult or taller, older child, a D'Anver's flog isn't much, that is unless he gets you in the eye when you are bending over cleaning out the feeder or something like that. And Rusty has tried, though he got tangled in my hair. He's a menace and he's not an unusual d'Anver male, either.
My only ever friendly D'Anver rooster, Spike, will go after Rusty for me. If he doesn't, I sometimes push him a bit by yelling, "Get him, Spike!" and he thunks him pretty good for me. Spike is really the non-violent type, though, even in the coop with the other roosters. He doesn't like it when Rusty attacks me, though.



Tweedle Dee, pigeon and Crow. Boggy Bottoms Cuckoo trio. They are to be parents on the 29th and 31st. So excited. I cant show Tweedle Dee. He frosted his comb tip. :(
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