d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Thanks, JJ. Hopefully, it will declare itself within the next week or so. Most of the males do, if I recall.

I still can't get over those chicks surviving the night and a full day where we live. Must be smart little things.
Wow Karen that was very lucky. Glad they are home safe but I sure would not let them free range unsupervised...here they would last 5 minutes...10 mins tops but overnight would never happen. :(

JJ husha that porcelain is supposed to be MY PULLET!
The black pullets have a birchen look to them, almost had to come from the cochin. They also had to have a different father (must have been a millie) than the lavender birds. I think I would cross the lavender roo (in the top picture) with the blacks and the lav cochin pullet. It would give half of the chicks a double dose of the fungus and beards. Use your cochin roo on the lavender coch'Anver pullets.

Later in the morning when I wake up...

If the rooster was a millie split to lavender all these chicks could have came from the same pair. One question "mottling gene from their grandfather", this reads like these are out of a cochin and d'Anver. They should all be split to mottle unless their was another cross made since the original.

You must pay attention grasshopper ahem....

Okay here is what happened....

Cynthia bred her mille d'anver roo to her lavender cochin hen and got the birds you see in the crates (Lavender roo, lav hen and black hen) ie Beau, Shadow and Bonnie.

I bred Beau to Shadow and Bonnie ( lav x lav and lav x black (all with the MF mottling gene) and got the four adorable pullets pictured (have no roo in that breeding and I lost Beau)

So I am wondering where to go now....I have d'anver pullets and a hen I can breed to either a lav cochin male or a black cochin male and hope for a roo coch'anver to use for breeding to the 6 females I have. So I am wondering which roo to use black or lavender because I need a baby roo to raise for breeding to the F1 and F2 females of the project.

Are you following me now? The "grandfather" is the mille d'anver straight from Aubrey's eggs (in my arms in my avatar) so no monkey business in his genetics.
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Quote: Got it. I would breed the lavender cochin to the coch'anver females and the lavender coch'anver to the cochin hen. The next generation you can swap roos. Looking at that porcelain pullet, I don't see no mottling. I think what you have there is an Isabel partridge, First one I have seen maybe Aubrey can verify it.
Been dragging a bit. Just looked over then pics back on 678.
The original rooster plates from Cyn's birds looks like an Isabella. In English , lavender bb red.
The " porcelain" in the off spring pics are F1 lavender buff Columbians , most likely carry mottling but not showing it.
When I first made the buff Columbians they looked just like that, just not lavender . The bb red makes the extra stippling in the back. You can go either way with these, back to bb red or continue on for buff Columbian . As well as porcelain and lavender spangled.
The lavender makes a beautiful look in these birds
Cyn didn't you start off calling them hoodlums?

All of my property is fenced in and guarded by my herd of cats. Who believe it or not like the chickens. The woods is where my lab run is and she keeps that area under control. In 16 months time I've lost 3 chickens to predators. 1 owl, 1 hawk, and 1 vanished. I lost 6 to my sons dog. (Who was rehomed). Now I'm not kidding my self we have bear, bobcat, coyote, fox, and neighborhood dogs that could easily clear my 4ft fence and rip into any of my coops and barn, but knock on wood the barking dogs are enough of a deturant to keep them away. I also have the best farm dog around she is half weenie dog and half chiwawa and had to have been a search and rescue dog in her past life. She loves all things baby; people, puppy, kitten, chick, duck. She curled up with two chicks who fell out of the nest in my barn and kept them alive until I found them and then she went crazy showing me her babies.

There must be something in the air. I put the hoodlums in a carrier and in the coop before we went to ball practice this evening. Tonight my tom wasn't in the barn... Its easier to find a 30lb bird than those little miss fits.
Oh and the best pack had my special needs roo, goose and ducks out with them today.

I don't know if there's any truth to it, but I was told geese keep hawks away.
Cyn didn't you start off calling them hoodlums?

All of my property is fenced in and guarded by my herd of cats. Who believe it or not like the chickens. The woods is where my lab run is and she keeps that area under control. In 16 months time I've lost 3 chickens to predators. 1 owl, 1 hawk, and 1 vanished. I lost 6 to my sons dog. (Who was rehomed). Now I'm not kidding my self we have bear, bobcat, coyote, fox, and neighborhood dogs that could easily clear my 4ft fence and rip into any of my coops and barn, but knock on wood the barking dogs are enough of a deturant to keep them away. I also have the best farm dog around she is half weenie dog and half chiwawa and had to have been a search and rescue dog in her past life. She loves all things baby; people, puppy, kitten, chick, duck. She curled up with two chicks who fell out of the nest in my barn and kept them alive until I found them and then she went crazy showing me her babies.

There must be something in the air. I put the hoodlums in a carrier and in the coop before we went to ball practice this evening. Tonight my tom wasn't in the barn... Its easier to find a 30lb bird than those little miss fits.
Yes, I did and always do. Sounds like you have quite a few things to deter predators but still, three little ones making it overnight and all day? That's wonderful. Tell them not to do that again, EVER!
Now, where could that turkey be????
He was laying up against the back of the back porch. I'm sure he was lolly gaging and it got dark before he made it to the barn. I got rid of my mean tom so there wasn't any thing keeping him out.

I forgot to tell I have 3 D'anver eggs in the Easter hatch and all have veins. I have 4 more saved to go in the Chinco De Mayo hatch. If I get any with fungi Lady Hawk is welcome to them if she wants. I also have Porcelain d'Uccle going in the next hatch too if you need one of those.
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I got fewer and fewer with the KLF as we went along. At first I thought all of Aimee's kids would have it, but only about 1/3 are getting it now. She produces beautiful pullets and mostly pullets so I don't want to leave out her eggs when I'm collecting. It's just that I think the best males will come from another hen. Her males get the KLF more than the pullets do. Thankfully, she doesn't produce as many of those as she does the pretty little girls like Guinevere.

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