d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I do love the color on that solid girl. As far as I am aware, she's the first solid khaki...period
That is amazing!! Guess I better hatch out some more chicks from the khaki quail pair to see if I get more
Morning pit bull owners. Oh I mean d'anver slaves. :). Today it is a race against the clock to beat the thunderstorms....here at the Menagerie' it is chicken shifting, dragon claw trimming on some of the girls, gardening a bit and maybe some housework. What's everyone else up to?

Check back with you later zoooooooooom
I check multiple times each day to be sure the three repeat D'anver broodies are on their eggs, that someone didn't run them off. Of course, no one runs Carly off, her being head hen and a fierce little minx, but Sissy is prone to being bullied by just about everyone except Jenny. Sissy's eggs are on Day 16 today. I'm hoping to see some porcelain chicks out of all these, though I won't be keeping any of them. Just hoping the other three broodies from this year don't want to do it again. I'm rather tired of this and it's getting pretty warm to be sitting on eggs.
Both of my D'anver girls were in the nest box last night. That makes me having 8 broodies... Ten if you cont the goose and duck who just hatched their babies. I'm running out of places to put them.

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