d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Awesome. Congrats... Sorry been tied up a lot right now and not having much time to check in regular again.... Keeping up with all these egg and chick orders is killing me haha
This batch of chicks has been really interesting. One especially stands out. Within the first week she was already perching. They turned two weeks yesterday and both the ones I think are girls have already progressed to taking naps on their little perch. Both the suspected girls will climb into my hand for attention, and the extra friendly one (I very much hope that one is a girl!) will fly up to sit on my lap when I sit by the brooder. She doesn't try to escape the brooder otherwise, and if she's perched on the edge and I walk away she'll hop back in to be with her buddies. I think part of it is that I've been treating them much less delicately than my last chicks. I was so afraid of accidentally hurting my first chicks that I didn't handle them nearly as much as these ones. They were also in a much larger brooder and it was harder to force them to interact.

These guys also seem much less dependent on their heat lamp, even though my first chicks were raised in July. I'm assuming that's because black absorbs more heat. I have a small lamp so the heat is optional, and they've never slept directly under it. On a nice day these guys are totally comfortable running around in the sunshine.

Hey, Karen, Lisa from the online yard sale got the two D'Anver males from me today. One was feather legged and smaller than the other but will have a super nice rose comb from the looks of him at 6 weeks. I had promised them to her weeks ago. My other friend Lisa here on BYC was going to get them if they were pullets.

I removed us from the Fannin Online yard sale on FB. That porn was ridiculous and no one was taking it off fast enough. Good grief, I couldn't take it anymore. If they'd just STOP REPLYING! Are they all stupid or what? I took us out of the group entirely. The other one in Murphy so far doesn't seem to have that issue. Guess their mods are online more than the Fannin ones. BYC is the gold standard for removing spam/porn and I don't settle for less. Of course, this is a family site, unlike FB.

Hey Aubrey, guess you're just raking in the $$$ with all those chick and egg orders, LOL. I know that can't be true with the cost of feed and shavings these days, though. Good to see you post, even if it is "hit and run".
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I removed my self from that sight to. Bunch of craziness. I've never seen anything like that on here either. I'm probably going yo be blessed out over there because I reported a post as inappropriate. Oh well...

I hatched out a little quail D'anver. It is so tiny. Your broodieness has moved over here. Evidently with all the rain they decided if they couldn't go out they would sit. I gave the first Milli girl 9 eggs. Then milli #2 moved in the box with her. So far #3 is only sleeping in there with them and leaving poor Rusty on the roost alone. Bless his heart if he had lips I'm sure he would have the bottom one run out.

My porcelain roo has lost his tail. Looks like he is molting. Last night when I was going my rounds I could hear him breathing. Sounded like he needed yo blow his nose if he had one. Any revomendations. The hen looks and sounds fine.
I removed my self from that sight to. Bunch of craziness. I've never seen anything like that on here either. I'm probably going yo be blessed out over there because I reported a post as inappropriate. Oh well...

I hatched out a little quail D'anver. It is so tiny. Your broodieness has moved over here. Evidently with all the rain they decided if they couldn't go out they would sit. I gave the first Milli girl 9 eggs. Then milli #2 moved in the box with her. So far #3 is only sleeping in there with them and leaving poor Rusty on the roost alone. Bless his heart if he had lips I'm sure he would have the bottom one run out.

My porcelain roo has lost his tail. Looks like he is molting. Last night when I was going my rounds I could hear him breathing. Sounded like he needed yo blow his nose if he had one. Any revomendations. The hen looks and sounds fine.
Has he had any pneumonia in the past? Any fungal lung infections? Those will make a bird have spells of bad breathing during wild weather as they tend to damage their lungs, I've found. If he has pneumonia now, Tylan would be the preferred med, easy to find. If you don't want the hen taking it, you'd have to do injections. If he's separate, you can give the powder in his waterer, but if you inject, you at least are sure he's getting the full dosage. If it was something contagious, I wouldn't treat. But you'd have to determine if that is the case so he'd need to be separated away from all other birds until you can observe him awhile.
Thanks Cyn. He was acting fine when I got home. I've been keeping a close eye on them no other signs or strange sounds coming from either or their neighbors.

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