d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

The first chick, way ahead of the others.

ETA: this morning she has a 2nd chick, complete with a full heaping helping of Kentucky Leg Fungus. First chick has barely a hint of feather stubs on legs, but this baby is full up! Ack! Hope it's a girl like beautiful Leah that I lost to a freak broken leg. She had feathered legs and was a gorgeous pullet. The third egg has a huge pip and should hatch soon. Today is Day 21. None were really early this time.
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The first two:

How adorable! MF is my favorite color. I have 4 MF chicks that my blue/dun mottled hen hatched out (one is the crested chick) and I hatched 3 MF in the incubator with some Silkie chicks. One of the younger ones, about 3 weeks old already has some black spots. I accurately sexed them at hatch by the width of their combs. I have 3 girls and 1 boy in the first hatch and 2 boys and 1 girl in the second hatch.

Here is the crested chick I asked about a few weeks ago. I think what might have happened is, one of my Polish (in with the MF and Porcelain roosters) laid a smallish egg and I mistook it for a d'Anver egg. The chick is a pullet and so cute! She will make someone an adorable pet.
It would be neat to create a MF Polish.

You can see the black spots coming in on the pullet chick's back, bottom left in the picture.
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@chickee your crested baby looks like a Polish/D'Anver cross. What a cute chick!

#3 is out and appears at first glance to be clean legged. Will confirm when its dried off.

ETA: does still seem to be clean legged. If there are stubs, I can't see them at this point in time. Girl or boy, I have a home for this cute little critter. It's still resting. Had a hard time getting out of the egg because it filled it up so much, but it was zipping very slowly, tiring out so I just popped off the top for it rather than lose it because it ran out of steam.

ETA, again: Looking very closely, it has almost imperceptible stubs on the upper leg, the side. Drat. Sorry, Karen. All have stubs to one degree or another, the last one almost none, but still, they're there.
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1 of my milli is broody again.... LOL I guess I can keep some of her chicks this time and see if I get a clean legged roo. I can always let Gus have all the girls. He and Rusty are living harmoniously together at the time with all the girls. I'm sure I'll get some more porcelain from them in this hatch. I've started letting the Quail pair Clarice and Oscar free range some and he like Rusty has calmed down and doesn't want to eat my face off when he is out. Those two want to roost up in the tree above their house. I've thought about building them a small tree house up there, but I just get them down every night for lock up. I could write a book on the antics of my poultry. LOL
1 of my milli is broody again.... LOL I guess I can keep some of her chicks this time and see if I get a clean legged roo. I can always let Gus have all the girls. He and Rusty are living harmoniously together at the time with all the girls. I'm sure I'll get some more porcelain from them in this hatch. I've started letting the Quail pair Clarice and Oscar free range some and he like Rusty has calmed down and doesn't want to eat my face off when he is out. Those two want to roost up in the tree above their house. I've thought about building them a small tree house up there, but I just get them down every night for lock up. I could write a book on the antics of my poultry. LOL
Karen, this last chick that hatched has almost no feather stubs. They're so tiny, I had to look closely to even see that they were there. Not sure if it's a male or female, but it has the least of all three chicks hatched. In fact, only one has the furry legs like your Rusty does. If it's a male, you're still welcome to him. He might have less of a chance of passing it on, though I can't swear to it. It's still a little shaky today so I'm not even 100% sure of its strength but when it's out in the open, I'll try to get a picture of it for you. It's been under Carly most of the morning, singing. Yes, it's singing, so it's probably feeling okay, just shell-shocked from being in this big new world. Aimee has short little stubs like this one baby does and she doesn't pass on that trait to all her chicks.
No one likes chick pics? Here's another couple. The last chick hatched has almost no feather stubs on the legs, but its body seems shorter and it isn't growing as fast as the first two hatched the previous day. Seems much stronger, though.

The close one in the first picture is the little blonde one with rampant KLF (Kentucky Leg Fungus, for those who aren't familiar with the terms on this thread, lol).

See the one in front? That's the slower growing one. You can tell a huge difference in it and the one at top left hatched a day earlier.

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