d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Quote: @SchipAlong my Aimee is like Sel. She will screech and protest but won't fight her sisters or nieces to protect her chicks. It's always been that way. Carly, on the other hand, is a fiercely protective mama and she will beat up anyone who gets close to her chicks, though she is sweet with us. They have such different mama personalities, don't they? Too bad about Zeste-I've seen with some, the "gotta kill that nasty chick" attitude.
Hello all D'anver lovers! In the future I am planning to try and breed these little guys to show. Would you suggest I stick with one color, or would two be permissible as I also want to work with salmoN faverolles. I really have a fondness to the quail color, so that would be the for sure color I want to work with. Also I am curious as to what all colors are out there. I plan to have 12x12 coops with 12x36 runs housing a single roo with ten hens. so room to grow if I decide to add more. I plan to have three coops like this for the breeding pens, and then one side coop for chicis to grow to size for choosing the next generation.
I am not into show but from what I know from show breeders in my lokal club I would stay with one color or with a color that can fall form one.Like quail and blue quail. Most show breeders here raise 100+ chicks every year for a handful of good birds.
I would begin with 3 groups of 1,3 unrelated birds and rotate the roosters. Most breeders tag the groups in the primary colors. So it is easy to discriminate the f1 birds and you can follow the color table with the f2.
Most breeders follow this scheme:

ZE 1 ZE 2 ZE 3 ... ZE n
1 Hahn verpaart mit 4 Hennen je ZE

ZE n
ZE 1
ZE 1
ZE 2
ZE 2
ZE 3
ZE 3


ZE n Bruteiern Weibliche
ZE 1 Bruteiern Männliche
ZE 1 Bruteiern Weibliche
ZE 2 Bruteiern Männliche
ZE 2 Bruteiern Weibliche
ZE 3 Bruteiern
3 Hähne und 12 Hennen je ZE
Bewertung der Nachzuchttiere und Erstellung der neuen Zuchtpaare
(Jahrestreffen mit Tierschau)


Neue Zuchtsaison
ZE 1
ZE 2 ZE 3 ... ZE n
1 Hahn verpaart mit 4 Hennen je ZE

ZE is the group, Hähne is roosters, Henne is hen, Bruteier is hatching eggs, Nachkomme is offspring​
Welcome Shadows FIAL to the d' Anver forum. And, thanks to Bine..for offering a table on genetics.

I do not plan to show my young birds (there are no shows at all in my area). So, for now, I will have fun just working on type, and (unfortunately) get the resultant colors all scrambled up. Sadly, I do not have the extra room in my coop for now to segregate colors.

Here's a few pics of my molting teens (nearly three months old), in their new digs. All of these are from my June order with Boggy Bottom Bantams. I am very pleased with the quality, and temperaments of these "kids":

"Here's Lookin' at Ya...."

Just more feathers to go.....!! Moth eaten....

Next three pics are of the coop & run...BC (Before Chickens). Now AD (After DooDoo), I doesn't look the same, sigh:

Run shot from inside the coop, barn wall to right. Top of the open auto chicken door shows above window, and "Stop Strip" (anti-perch device placed on the 3.5 inch sills):

Clean, no more. Sigh.
@HotDesertChick Love the coop colors too...definitely New Mexico design!

@Speckled Hen. Sure enjoy the pictures of your birds.

Haven't been on in a while. So getting caught up on reading.
Will have to post some pictures of my newest lovelies. I have a Porcelain rooster that thinks he is the cock of the walk, a Black rooster that is a loner refusing to roost anywhere except the rafter in the barn, some lovely new colored hens. There is a really cute young pullet that is Columbian.
@HotDesertChick Love the coop colors too...definitely New Mexico design!

@Speckled Hen. Sure enjoy the pictures of your birds.

Haven't been on in a while. So getting caught up on reading.
Will have to post some pictures of my newest lovelies. I have a Porcelain rooster that thinks he is the cock of the walk, a Black rooster that is a loner refusing to roost anywhere except the rafter in the barn, some lovely new colored hens. There is a really cute young pullet that is Columbian.

X2 @HotDesertChick!

Thanks, Kathryn.

One of the 9 week old D'Anvers has been crowing for a few days, pretty darn good crow, too! The little half-pint is picking fights but can't finish them and he ends up screaming and running. May have to move the feather legged boy who is the calmest with me into the old hens' coop (they'll hate me, I'm sure) because he's the worst about beating up on Rusty3.
Thanks,...All, for the nice compliments on the d'anvers digs.

I am hoping that the bright colors, and pretty much deep colors used for "chicken-foot-traffic" areas, will help hide some of the zoo doo. Hope,.. hope. The decorations used within the coop are all inexpensive Mexican pottery & "bronze" items, some purchased in a local store. But, most are from the locally-well-known 'Pink Store' in Palomas, Mexico (We are about 1.5 hours away from Palomas by highways). I amended, and/or attached a few items with Apoxie Sculpt (Great stuff).

We have continued to labor over the outside of the run & coop. Adding a buried welded-wire apron to the run, as well as pots, plants, and gravel. Pant (It's still not much below 100 degrees here). I doubt...if any of these spoiled d'Anvers give a rat's patoot?!

NanaKat, YES...Please post pics of your birds. Would love to see the Porcelain rooster. I tried to buy several porcelains, but all Aubrey could provide was one freebie roo (shucks). I'm quite loooong on roosters, after buying straight run.

Also fun, to see your photos, speckledhen. These young roos can be a pain in the butt ("literally"?). I will sadly have to dispatch some very nice roosters soon. Darn.

Keep the pics, and comments, coming, Y'all.

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