d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

I had some one I know contact me and ask if I had any chickens I wanted to get rid of. In the same breath said his wife turned there Silkie flock out and now he only had 2 left. Well I have been thinking about getting rid of one of my Sizzle lines, but I'm sure as heck not selling them at the low ball price he wants to become food for some critter.

Facebook. I haven't seen you on there. I can prob name the guy he is a young teen who doesn't drive. He'll ask 5 million questions then ask you to meet him near his house. Initials LH if I'm right.

No, it was someone else, can't remember, had a photo of an older man-right afterward, I deleted the ad and put it up on that new one I joined. It had been on the Fannin-Gilmer online yardsale one and all anyone wants to do is get me to bring them the birds. Not happening. If you can't be bothered to drive to get them, you probably can't be bothered to feed them or care for them, either. When I raise them up to this age (these are 11 weeks now), I get a little territorial about them. I don't need them at all, but I care about all my birds, even the annoying little Rustys. I agree with you 100% about those clues you get when talking to people, Karen.
Hi all,

I was wondering whether you could tell me whether this is a roo or pullet; I have NO idea - first time keeping d'anvers and the only one that hatched so have nothing to compare it too. It's 10 weeks old now. :) Actually - now I see these pics together (the first was a couple of weeks ago), I thinking roo!



My buff project, d'Anver and Watermaal.
Little Man Jr. is the ruler of the barn. He will not roost with any of the other birds but prefers to roost 10 feet up on the barn rafters. During the day, he guards the door into the barn and expects his corn on top of a fishing tackle box...will stand there until he gets it too. As yet, Little Man has not chosen any of the little hens or pullets that roam in and out of the barn. He is molting a little now.
The large fowl roosters steer away from him. But with us, he is a sweetheart.
Little Man Jr. is the ruler of the barn. He will not roost with any of the other birds but prefers to roost 10 feet up on the barn rafters. During the day, he guards the door into the barn and expects his corn on top of a fishing tackle box...will stand there until he gets it too. As yet, Little Man has not chosen any of the little hens or pullets that roam in and out of the barn. He is molting a little now.
The large fowl roosters steer away from him. But with us, he is a sweetheart.
He's a good looking boy, Kat.

Spike is being mean to my 10 wk old BR pullet for some reason, but he treats his three sons like gold, like his buddies. I've never seen him be so mean to a chick before. Gonna have to move her into the Old Hens' coop where she will be hassled but not terribly. Her sister grew up there until she was old/big enough to go into the BR breeding coop.

The half-pint, Rusty3, is looking much better as far as coloring and his weird flyaway tail has fixed itself, but he is so darn tiny! I'm not sure he could be a breeder, just don't know. Someone would have to take him and try him out. His rose comb looks like it will be a very nice one, better than the other normal size brothers. He has a couple-three feathers stubs on his legs but no feathers. The others are already trying to breed the hens they aren't afraid of, namely Wrong Way Lucy. The three boys are almost 12 weeks old.
If you don't stop putting pictures on here I'm going to be coming after one of them.

Of course, that is my evil plan, hehe.

I do wonder what Rusty3 would produce or if he is fertile. I'm not going to try him here because I just don't want anymore bantams; I need them to dwindle in number. He's so small compared to the other two. They are crowing and play-mating the hens, especially poor Lucy, who flared and went after one with fire in her eyes then jumped on a ladder to get above them. Rusty, as far as I know, isn't crowing or grabbing hens. Makes me wonder what's in that little body. He's very colorful and less white than he was at first so he may turn out to be a good looking rooster, just not as big as normal. He sure has plenty of energy and gumption, chasing the cat, etc.
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