d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!


Great photos.

Are those millie fleur d'anvers? I love that color!!

And the odd man out is what color?

Lovely clean coop!

Yes, they are Mille Fleur D'Anvers, some straight and some are split for porcelain. Aubrey is a porcelain. Two of the mille hens either belong to him or Spike. Spike appears mille but he is 3/4 porcelain. Mina, one of the milles is Aubrey's daughter with Aimee, one of my original Mille hens.
Gorgeous birds.

Thanks. They finally decided they liked the roost. And silly Aubrey was sitting in a nest while all the others were up there. Goofy rooster. He's molting and 5 years old. Hope he feels okay.
From left to right: Sissy, who is somewhere around 2 years old, then my original three hens, Aimee, Penny and Carly. Aimee is Sissy's mother. Mina was on the floor. She's Aimee's daughter and Spike's mother. I think she's 4 years old.
I find my millie fleur birds get more white with every molt.

Do yours as well?

Some do, yes. Penny and her daughter, who I lost recently, Lucy, both were almost completely white around the face by the time they were two years old. Carly and Aimee are both 5 and are no more white than they have been since they became mature.

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