d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

No, I only got true colors of blue red, splash red, bb red and crele. But I have hatched out some wild colors from hatchery birds I picked up at my local Tractor Supply store.

Also my one set of crele had nails worse then that when I got them. I have them in an outside pen and there nails are now normal. I can only guess they were on wire all their lives.
here is my black mottled boy from BBB.
I love him!!

wooho, egg production is picking up early this year, have about 40 in the bator already from past 12 days or so, with the CRELE project being most of them, as well as a few lavender silver quail too, most are just my project birds toward the F2 phase, which should complete most, so really excited about that, will post some pics once they hatch, cant wait, been wanting these creles for years now, just took for ever to get the bb reds needed to make them....can almost see them now, about 11 more days I will!

edited to change due date, dont know what I was thinking, they've been in there 10 days now???
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Woohoo !!!!! Cant wait to see them and maybe this ugly weather we had today wont get your girls down too bad and they'll keep on shellin them out for you. I wish my hens would hurry up and start laying. I've only had one broody Buff Columbian colored Silkie mix hen laying the last few weeks and I left the eggs in there and she started setting on them yesterday and those Red Pyle Phoenix roosters from Toni Marie would be the fathers of them so hopefully that will give me some interesting looking mutts and some of them should get the dom white from the Red Pyle roos and maybe they will be closer in body type for what I am needing and I can use them to breed the Dom White into my other projects.
must be, cause this pen of f1 project creles was the first to start, and doing pretty good so far, course the cuckoos and bb red i used to get them laid well all year last year too, so they come from good producing stock too, never hurts.

cant wiat to see that first one, I know they should be correct this time, but will feel much better when they pop out, also hoping to get some duckwings out of it too, fingers crossed, I know I'll have a lot of junk to weed threw too, more blacks and cuckoos and such to get to them, but they should be there, and like I said, along with some nice bonus side effects in other colors as well, like silver and gold duckwings
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