d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

The males are something else aren't they? As a chick, one of my roosters would run back and forth in the brooder if he could see my boyfriend or myself until one of us picked him up. He would zip back and forth running over his hatch mates ignoring their annoyed pecks on his head. I'd sit with him on a washcloth on my lap and he would start dust bathing. I posted a video a long time ago of him doing it. Adorable sweet little thing.

He grew up though. Once he started maturing he and his brother became less lovey and more interested in the ladies. Like cuddling with their human mom is not manly and embarrassing or something. When initially let out for the day they routinely attack but only behind my back like Aubrey said. lol They are a bit cowardly when facing them but turn your back and it's on! Not very threatening though. I just laugh and pick them up for some forced cuddling. I know that deep down they're still the little sweetie pies they were when they hatched, they just have to put on a good show now that they're all grown up. I've never had them do any real damage and they never peck or attack me while I'm holding them. They also chase each other around the yard when let out but after a bit of what looks like a game of tag they settle down and are best buds for the rest of the day. Cleaning each other's beards. Oh that is just the cutest thing I've seen them do. lol

I love their personality. Roos and hens. Yin and Yang. lol It's a good balance.

Aubrey, I'm really sorry to hear about the storms. I would have wanted to crawl back inside and never come out too.

Best wishes,
So sorry to hear about your loss Aubrey, that stinks hun
Had the same thing happen here before.
Here are the pics of the blue/red roo I promised, late, I know
Can you give me a better idea with the color on him please? Hope these are better pics.
Everyone is about to pass out with heat here! They are all panting in the shade of 101 and nice HOT breeze!
Thanks again, appreciate any help.


I haven't got to that yet. So far the boys are still very sweet with me. I have one quail that looks like a female but behaves like a male. She is my fighter. She has something in particular against my two mottled boys (they are clearly boys). I'm still hoping she is just a feisty girl and not a boy.
thanks guys.. getting better since it happened.

That boy to me looks to be like my blue buff columbians for sure now. Would bet, like mine, he's split to mottled too. His tips of certain feathers look a good bit lighter to me, which can be a good indicator of split mottleing.
You can now breed him to millies and get blue millies too (if you dont already have those)
Even then, it will help make more blue buffs for you too to go with him if you dont end up with some hens

He looks great by the way, beautiful bird all the way around.
Really too some time to look over some of my chicks out there from mine...yes there are a couple left....
They are patterned and colored almost identical to what he looked like in his youndest pic you posted earlier.

Alex, by the way, I did move the bb reds back in with there hens....they stopped laying then, LOL
Got 1 yesterday though so maybe they are starting back...been one of my slowes years ever

Well time to go feed up, got 5 inches of rain today and last night, yall wish me luck!
I haven't got to that yet. So far the boys are still very sweet with me. I have one quail that looks like a female but behaves like a male. She is my fighter. She has something in particular against my two mottled boys (they are clearly boys). I'm still hoping she is just a feisty girl and not a boy.

haha, they'll get there
Wonderful, I had thought about that when reading your previous post, but am glad to know what he is now for sure. Thanks for the complements too, he's growing out much better than I expected and his feet are awesome (need to send pics) heavy feathered to middle. I'm thinking of putting him over some solid blue girls maybe this fall too, but time will tell for sure as I'm watching them all mature right now...not doing any breeding w/my D's at the moment. Thanks again Aubrey, I appreciate the info hun.
Was sitting next to the D'Anvers' pen and these were the ones who volunteered for close ups.

First, front and center, Rufus with Rusty to the left and Carly to the right in the background:


Aimee, who has the most color:


Aubrey with Rusty in the background:


Then, it's the Aubrey Show. He's the star for today, or so he thinks.





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