d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

OK thanks, I'll go for 12 weeks with heat for sure at night, maybe all the time for a while to see how they do. I knew you would have the answer.
Oh, great all knowing chicken man...
My Quail D'Anver, Gazpacho, is my husband's alarm clock. He starts crowing right before the alarm clock goes off. He also crows when anyone goes in or out of the house. It's like having a feathered watch dog. (The Silkie roo is starting to do the same thing!) So funny to see Gazpacho do that little sideways hopping dance (what does that mean?) He will squeak in a high excited voice when he has a corn kernel in his mouth too! He lets his sister, Amelia Egghart, at any treats first. She follows him around like a puppy. So entertaining to watch!
I finally got some good pictures of our pair of d'Anvers! I tried to take their pictures outside, but it is so windy that the pullets tail was blowing back over her head. lol



They need some conditioning, but what do you think of them otherwise? Mr. Romer said they had not been handled much, but the pullet is the tamest little thing ever. The rooster is easy to handle as well.
Nice looking birds.

On you comment on how quick they tame...............When I stick my selfblues in the pens for show season and keep them up they tame down the quickest of all my birds. The females first and then the males but the females are very quick to tame.
goldnecks did infact ship today.
And most of the birds are about done with their fall molt, once they are, I plan to take new pics of every one. Will take all weekend I'm sure, actually I'm off next week, may do it then. Once I do, I'll post them all here for everyone. God help yall, it'll be a hole page full

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