d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!


Speaking of roosts, I save back the larger prunings from the crepe myrtle because they are smooth for roost branches for the lovebirds. These can be 1.5 inches in diameter...I bet the would make good roosts in the cages.
Yippppeeee! I got my first egg from one of my BBB Dun Quail hens!
. Love these tiny chickens and so glad to find such a great gift sitting in the nest box.

Hopefully "Smack" is doing his job so I can have some more little d'Anvers next summer
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Wow, you mean there is hope for me??? I can't wait for mine to lay now, especially if yours are laying way up there where you live. They are trying to convince me that they were never here to lay eggs-perish the thought! They are only here to look cute and be cuddled, you know.

I think it's time for new pictures

Hi Sam and thanks

I have a new iPad and cannot figure out how to post pics from it. First off, the camera stinks and secondly I have to get the adapter to gat my camera pics onto the iPad. Yup and then after that I have to go online and research how to post them from my iPad. It's probably not as hard as it seems but I just haven't had the time to figure it out

They are absolutely beautiful though just like yours
Hi Cindy, apparently there is hope

One of my girls started squatting a week ago but the other one is still holding out. It's been pretty cold and with the short days I wasn't holding much hope.

I was up for just cuddling myself but how sweet is this?
yep a few of mine have started bcak too, been getting a few whites, porcelains, and a lot out of the project colors so far, wont be long now. And man those project colors... I dont know what it is about them, but they have laid year round for me...wish they were all as good at laying. Might be the crossing of lines, which make for stronger birds, who knows, but they sure do lay!!
I had to put Rufus in his place this morning. He was being such a little (insert nasty word here) and scratched up my hand pretty good. He'd better watch it or he may become a little speckled football! Rusty mostly avoids me now, though he's not above a sneak attack-Rufus doesn't bother sneaking. Angus and Aubrey are the good ones, which is wonderful since the porcelains are the ones I truly wanted more than anything. Rusty is going. Rufus better watch it or he can go live in Kentucky with Cetawin permanently, at least after I get some chicks going. Aubrey and Angus ain't going anywhere. They are such eye candy!
LilGuy gets a little feisty also. If I reach to get his feed cup, he tries an attack. I have learned to pick him put first and carry him around to do chores in the quarantine room. He is a cuddler when he is being held. Then he gets put back into the quarantine cage with fresh food and water.
My D'anvers start laying about a month ago. First one was one of my two Quails, follow by the Porcelain, third one was the Splash, then the Dun, and now I have only two out of ten pullets that are not laying. One of the Quail, a Porcelain and the Dun are laying almost every day (keeping up with the Cochins I suppose). I was very surprised to see them laying at a such a early age ( they were hatch on June 19), that's a first for me. I wonder if because I had 5 roosters chasing them all the time made them start so early, on the other hand I know they are a lot more happy now without so many roosters bothering them.

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