d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

why Lord yes, verbal abuse...haha it's just as bad as neglect

Aint my name sake cute too!!!!

Don't give 'em nothing they don't deserve, including praise!
Yes, your namesake is as adorable as you are!

Rufus is a great little leader, I have to tell you. Today, one of the others, didn't see which, had Penny by the head feathers and she was screaming her head off, then another tried to get in on the action. Rufus to the rescue! He swooped in, body-slammed one off her, then went after the other one. When Aubrey challenged Rusty and they were having a tiff, Rufus broke it up, then pushed Rusty back against the fence. There is NO question who is in charge in that pen! I don't see him doing much of the mating, though, which is interesting. He usually rescues the girls from the other three. Maybe because they aren't even laying yet and he knows it?

My poor banty Cochin started laying again yesterday after a 7 month hiatus (she is about to turn 4)--that got the very amorous attention of all the little guys in that coop,who were after her with a vengeance. She kept trying to hide behind my big Buff Orp hen. Used to have three standard hens for her to hide behind, but I moved Nugget to another coop and poor old Reba died a month ago. When Sunny passes on, and she's six now, Shadow may have to pay the piper, LOL.

Good to know. I've had OEGBs already (well, who hasn't had OEGs
), but I haven't had d'Anvers (getting chicks this spring), so I don't know how the size compares (I imagine similar to d'Uccles and Watermaals), but I know that alot of type/comb/facial aspects are different between the two. I suppose OEGBs are the best breed in the world to use for introducing colors, because they are already available in every imaginable color!

yep they work great, and like you said they are alreday in 100 colors seems like. Type wise, you are right, they have a slightly differnt structure and facial features. Fortunately the main ones, beard and rose comb are dominate, so they come threw the first time.
just a little thin and small, 1 back cross fixes all that, so you should have no major issues.
Size wise they are almost identical to the good smaller old english. Yes anout d'uccles size, if anything a tad smaller
Going to the Northeastern poultry congress next weekend... I'm gonna be looking at the sales for d'anvers and if not then I'm gonna hunt down the exhibitors and find me a new little d'anver
And if none of them are available (Which would be crazy, there's always like 50, and last time there were some mottled
) then I can contact the breeder I got my other little girl from and find me a new little pullet! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
The picture you posted is silver quail. There are some dun and dun quail on the Boggy Bottom Bantams website.

Aubrey- catch any fish?


Oh, thanks for the correction...I jsut googled the color and that popped up

yea, I have noticed that alot on image searches. When you type in a color, they show all sorts of incorrect stuff. It's all pulled off websites and anywhere in the site that has the word you entered, doesnt matter if it's in regards to that image or not, they post it as such...so just remember that everybody when doing image searches... a lot of times you get incorrect results
ACK why did you put the Toerag's pic up first? Grrrrr but there is My Little Love Rufus, perfect boy, sweet pocket pet O mine I will come get you in the Spring and take you away from that other woman who is not treating right darling. *scratch scratch chest rub pat*

Aubrey is only a semi-toerag, depends on how far you flick him away on his first attack.
now wait just a darn minute here..... WHICH AUBREY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???

Either way, me or my name sake...I just aint gonna tolerate that kinda talk!!!!

You just need to get some from me or Cyn (IF she ever gets and eggs) this spring a be done with it, But be warned, they are predisposed to the toe rag gene, got a 50/50 shot
Hahahaha! Of course, she's talking about your namesake!
He's very sweet to me, though.
Aubrey and Angus are the good ones. Rufus is confused about what he wants to be. Rusty is pure toerag, through and through. I caught him by his tailfeathers yesterday, tucked him under my arm and took him in the house to sit on my lap and watch TV. His eyes were as big as dessert plates, LOL!

Maybe we'd better start differentiating by saying "Little Aubrey" so we don't ruin BBBs rep here.
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haha... I like that...Little Aubrey.
Still might get a little confusing though, I'm only 115 lbs myself

gonna take me a day or two too to get use to this new site, but looks good from what I've seen

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