d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

This new BYC is going to take some time to get used to! This is the only thread I'm still subscribed too, so I shouldn't have to use BYC too often now...
At least members have to learn only the forum part as members. The staff has an entirely new set of stuff to learn that is much more complex than at our "old house". With time, we'll all get used to it. Its like one of those newfangled cell phones with all the "stuff" you never use on them, I guess. You use the parts you need and want to use and ignore the parts you don't care about. We have to learn where the light switches are and which way the closet doors open in this new house, as I said to someone. Posting pics is WAY easier here, though!

Aubrey, I'm not sure, but I may be hatching from my BRs in February, maybe starting that first week. Are your porcelains laying at all? I am comtemplating getting maybe a few eggs from you to add to those, as long as I'm going to the trouble to incubate and grow out a few chicks anyway. Haven't decided for sure, though, and you may be booked up that week, so dont sweat it. Just thought I'd ask.
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I talked to Rob a good bit over the weekend. Think all his hair is going to fall out before it's all settled with this.
Offered any help I could.

Cynthia, if I have any then, you can get them if you want. The porcelains have been going in short sperts. 2-4 one week, none the next, then 1-2 here and there and so on, but they are trying to get started. Mid Feb is usually when they all get to a honest to God attempt to start
Was nice of you to offer help to poor Rob. What a week this will be while all the glitches are worked out!

I didn't think your birds were laying full force at this point. Most likely, I'd be starting the hatch the first week of February and I'll see when we get closer to the end of the month if you think you'll have some porcelains for me. Thanks!
now wait just a darn minute here..... WHICH AUBREY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???

Either way, me or my name sake...I just aint gonna tolerate that kinda talk!!!!

You just need to get some from me or Cyn (IF she ever gets and eggs) this spring a be done with it, But be warned, they are predisposed to the toe rag gene, got a 50/50 shot

Good heavens man...have you ever tried to sneak up on me and flog me? Of course I meant the little porcelain semi-toerag. hehehehe I do not have toerag genes around here...roosters melt around me...why? because I talk to em right, bake for them, rub their chests just right, scratch them right the right way and take them out of their pens and walk them around to show them everything Cyn had not. My Little Love was amazed by all the goings ons outside his pen when I took him out that first time. Hell man make em more pancakes and blueberry muffins; it kills the toerag gene I tell ya
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haha... I bout dye every time I see yall two posting on here.... Will try that and see what happens... it may be too late for mine though...

and no problem Cynthia, just check in with me, I'll either have some, or I wont
We do liven up the thread, don't we, Aubrey?
She'd better watch it. The week that her Little Love Rufus comes to live with her, there might be 2 for 1 special and Rusty will be in the box with him.

Rusty prefers to watch The Rifleman and sit on a pillow in front of the fireplace, just so you know, Ladyhawk. In fact, that is the only time he leaves his "toerag genetics" at the front door like a muddy pair of shoes.

ETA: I'll check back with you near the time I'm going to start collecting eggs from my BRs to hatch, which should be about the 30th. If you don't have any, no problem.
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I'm hoping someone on here can answer this.... My d'anver has gotten a little ball of hard poo stuck to her vent feathers, howeer it isn't blocking her since it's a little bit below. I have a show tomorrow. Normally I would just bathe her but it's bit cold outside now (I'm in New England), so I just patted her down with a warm, damp paper towel which seemed to do the trick with the rest of the body.. Can I cut the poo off? I'm only doing showmanship, but I really don't want to go out there with a poopy bird

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