d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

jj- the barring on the porcelain male's tail looks pretty typical of what you would expect from a lavender based bird. That is not a color thing - it is a feather growth line - some people call them stress lines, but this can be misleading because in many lavender based birds that is just the way the feathers grow sometimes regardless of whether or not the bird is stressed.

I agree with Aubrey for the most part on the critique of the bird. I would like to add that I think he could use a bit of work on the tail. Notice the curvature on all the sickles - there is quite a bit of curvature there. While d'Anver cockerels typically have more sickle length than older males, the tail should still fit the overall d'Anver shape. That is, only very slightly curved sickles. D'Anver main sickles should never point below the horizontal. This curved tail look, however, is not uncommon in many d'Anver lines today, including my own. Something for us all to work on I think.

I think for a cockerel he has a decent amount of spotting. As Aubrey said, they get quite a bit more on the first 'real' molt they have at the end of their first year. If they start out with a lot then they tend to get too white with age. Honestly I like to see tails and wings that are relatively free of white spotting the first year (I like to see one or two "promise spots" in these areas, but that's it) because birds that are well spotted in these areas as cockerels and pullets tend to get feathers that are more than 2/3 white in their second year - which is no good. When you get birds like that, you are best off showing them only as cockerels and pullets. I would say for the typical flock, however, for color he is right on track.

I would also say that he looks a bit startled in this picture because it looks like he has flattened out his hackles and stretched his neck out a bit. It gives the illusion of not having a very well shaped neck. It looks almost triangular in appearance instead of round, convex and well filled out. He is a cockerel and many cockerels do tend to show triangular necks their first year, so please do not take my critique harshly.

I think his comb is a bit coarse. Standard calls for small, rounded tooth-like points. His are large, but that's okay. It is better than having a smooth comb. The overall shape of the comb, hugging the skull and following the neck, is very good. I think it just needs to be refined a very little bit. Decent bird.
4hchickmama- I would agree that #9 looks self blue
#10 could go in a couple directions but I am inclined to think that it is a White because it looks smokey and borderlines on splash - sorta like my white chicks
#6 looks like a classic Blue d'Anver babe
#7 ... again either a white or splash

Whites and Splashes can be hard to tell apart as chicks. Usually Splash has more of a greenish or bluish tint whereas the whites are more smokey with intricate white mosaic patterns around the head or just pure white, sometimes with a yellowish cast. Sometimes you do not know for sure until they start to feather out. Once they start to feather out, the blue splashes will usually have some feathers with dark quills, whereas the whites will have only pinkish-white quills. Good luck, they look adorable!
JJ- Rocky - is he one of the chicks you posted earlier out of your whites? He definitely is looking Mottled. Looks somewhat similar to one I called "Penguin", except the Penguin didn't have the cool isolated black around the eyes. He was also out of my White line of Blacks:

I figured he was going to end up Mottled like my other Black pullet and my Blue pullet also similarly marked and I gave him to a couple who was interested in an assortment with a unique male. They promised to update me as to his adult color. I am keeping the pullets myself. In this photo you can see the beginnings of white spots on his tail feathers coming in too.
4hchickmama- I would agree that #9 looks self blue
#10 could go in a couple directions but I am inclined to think that it is a White because it looks smokey and borderlines on splash - sorta like my white chicks
#6 looks like a classic Blue d'Anver babe
#7 ... again either a white or splash

Whites and Splashes can be hard to tell apart as chicks. Usually Splash has more of a greenish or bluish tint whereas the whites are more smokey with intricate white mosaic patterns around the head or just pure white, sometimes with a yellowish cast. Sometimes you do not know for sure until they start to feather out. Once they start to feather out, the blue splashes will usually have some feathers with dark quills, whereas the whites will have only pinkish-white quills. Good luck, they look adorable!

Ohh thank you!! I think #9 and #6 are self blue and blue. #10 and #7 are both very light and silvery. #10 has a bit more of a smokey undertone to her fluff and #7 seems to be more white. They are the cutest little fluff balls ever!

I hope you all don't mind picture updates as they grow!
Hey Kristen, nice to hear from you. Rocky is out of some blacks that came from silver quail roo and a white pullet. I get every thing out of those birds Lavender quail, lavender silver quail, silver quail, self blue, black, white and apparently mottled( got 3 or 4) so far. Thinking mottled will be my Watermaal project if their type is as good as their parents.

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We love picture updates here!

JJ- I'm going to miss getting on here. My fun is over for the summer starting Monday. Been super busy - built a chicken-shelving unit this week and it's going to be the last tiered pen I'll really have time to build. Yes, this shelving unit was meant to house chickens on three levels...not to shelve equipment. A shame that I don't have more time because I need more. Sounds like your Silver Quail roo makes for some very exciting incubation. Thanks for the update!

I'll probably lurk around every so often for the next three months but I doubt I'll have much time to post. I might from time to time though....one needs distractions when writing theses, right?

Take care all,
Look like all blues and lavenders to me. cant tell on #7 from the pic.
Okay I was able to snap some pics today....but I am apparently a very crummy photographer. Sorry if there are a lot. I'm a proud new "mama" and I was hoping to get some input on what their colors might be. They are being referred to by their egg numbers still...so they have number names.

Group shot, Left to right, #7, #10, #9, #6:





#7 is the most puzzling to me. She has silvery/white feathers, but has a few dark feathers on her neck. Not super dark, but just a slightly darker color than the rest of her body. I *think* #9 is a Lavender...the other two, I dunno. Not a clue. #6 has a yellowy underbelly.

Thank you to anyone who gives input! My daughters wanted to do hatching eggs this year and this was their first ever hatch. They were able to watch 2 out of the 4 hatch and it has been so exciting for them.
We love picture updates here!

JJ- I'm going to miss getting on here. My fun is over for the summer starting Monday. Been super busy - built a chicken-shelving unit this week and it's going to be the last tiered pen I'll really have time to build. Yes, this shelving unit was meant to house chickens on three levels...not to shelve equipment. A shame that I don't have more time because I need more. Sounds like your Silver Quail roo makes for some very exciting incubation. Thanks for the update!

I'll probably lurk around every so often for the next three months but I doubt I'll have much time to post. I might from time to time though....one needs distractions when writing theses, right?

Take care all,
likewise, more pics the better. I'll be taking new ones myself here in a month or so. Most everything is done molting and just about threw growing back. Once they are and it cools off enough to sit out there all day, I'll be taking some new ones myself.

Kristen, gone miss you around here, hope you will have time to check in at least a little. I understand being swamped though. I fell off the planet here for a while myself this year.
anyway, check in when you can!

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