d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Blacks and whites show really well, because there are less color faults. But their type has to be outstanding to compete with a good quail. The shows that I have been to where a d'Anver ends up on champion row it is almost always quail.

Blacks and whites show really well, because there are less color faults. But their type has to be outstanding to compete with a good quail. The shows that I have been to where a d'Anver ends up on champion row it is almost always quail.


Thank you JJ. I think my hunch to keep the black and the whites and get rid of most of the lavenders is a good one. I know a quail won BOV at our last show. She was pretty...but an ornery little bugger. She was in the cage next to my polish and bit me every time I opened my cage door. I wanted quail, but got everything but
just wanted to add on this chickmama

you are way too young on your chicks right now to be show culling if you ask me. Color is important, but it's perfect color, no one will out due another. Type is most important. wait til they fill out then cull if your goal is showing with them.

By Then you can look at the finished color too in them and be sure it's spot on and not flawed or leaking in any way.

Blacks often leak a touch or red, they toss you for that too and white often have yellowish leakage, same there they'll toss them out.

Your judge on the lavender was a dinggle berry not knowing lavender and self blue are the same color, just label them self blues since that's the trade name from now on and you shouldnt have any issues. I'd hate to see you cull a great bird over that just because some jerk didnt want to work with you on the name card.

chickmama- Aubrey has a well deserved title as BYC Educator and has given you some good advice. I just gave my opinion on the question I saw. But what it all boils down to is a good bird is a good bird no matter what the color. You have to give them time to be all they are going to be. Type is the most important, type makes breed and color makes variety. During their first year you need to cull for physical deformaties and type flaws. type is not subjective it just is. Color is subjective, not everybody sees it the same. The ABA standard describes bay as the color of a ripe horse chestnut, what color is that, and how many different shades of ripe horse chestnuts are there? I have no idea. I know the color I think it should be and that is what I select for, but only after almost a year. What I have seen is birds don't get darker but they will get lighter. That young quail that looks too dark can turn out to have the best color and the best contrast in her lacing. So it all boils down to is let them get old enough too make a decision.
just wanted to add on this chickmama

you are way too young on your chicks right now to be show culling if you ask me. Color is important, but it's perfect color, no one will out due another. Type is most important. wait til they fill out then cull if your goal is showing with them.

By Then you can look at the finished color too in them and be sure it's spot on and not flawed or leaking in any way.

Blacks often leak a touch or red, they toss you for that too and white often have yellowish leakage, same there they'll toss them out.

Your judge on the lavender was a dinggle berry not knowing lavender and self blue are the same color, just label them self blues since that's the trade name from now on and you shouldnt have any issues. I'd hate to see you cull a great bird over that just because some jerk didnt want to work with you on the name card.

lol...dingle berry! I snorted my coffee on that one! Yeah..maybe I will hang on a bit longer. Our weather is still nice here so I've moved everyone outside to a rabbit hutch during the day. The older set of chicks can seriously fly. I walked into the room the other morning and there were two on top of the bookshelf.

I already kicked my ducks out permanantly...and that has helped. I told my husband...the d'Anvers are small...they don't take up too much space or eat too much :)
Hey Alyssa, they are looking good. I like the color on the quail pullet and that big ole beard. Looks like you already got them paired up. The blue quail are brother an sisters as are the quail.ou might want to consider swapping the quail and blue quail cockerels. I think it might be better all around in the long run. That quail cockerel over the blue quail pullets should make some really nice blue quail. You will get some quail, blue quail ,silver quail and blue silver quail out of your silver pen, so you will have more of those colors to use later.Just a thought.


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