d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Can someone critique these birds for me?
I just bought these last week and I know nothing about d'anvers, but I would like to breed them and start showing them.
I can take more pictures if needed, thanks.

Cynthia...so soory to hear about Molly
Found my Silver Phoenix hen dead this morning. Her 17 day old chicks were so upset and chilled some, but they did have a heat lamp so we didn't lose them. We gave them to Aimee, who is the quintessential broody and her two are only a couple of days younger so she seemed to accept them. I guess Molly was too malnourished. Tried to break her up for over a month and when she refused to give up, gave her two eggs. She was very thin, but was so happy with her two babies. Guess she was feeding them all of the food and just starved herself even though I had been giving them special stuff every few days in addition to the chick starter. She was such a good girl and way too young. I hope the little ones didn't become too chilled. Molly was already stiff when we found her.
Cynthia...so sorry to hear about Molly. Glad Aimee was there to adopt the chicks.
Thank you, Kathryn and JJ. This is exactly the reason I tell folks not to try to keep their hens broody on purpose if they don't hatch eggs the first time-it's just really bad for their health. I tried and tried to break her up, even putting her in a cage for awhile without a nest and she was steadfast in her desire to raise chicks again. At about 35 days in, I finally let her keep two eggs. She seemed okay, though obviously very thin, but I thought she'd slowly gain her weight back. I was becoming quite fond of her, too. She was just a very sweet, calm hen, an easy broody to handle, great mom and a beauty to look at as well. I would have a Phoenix again, based on my experience with Molly.

Aimee was sitting with the two newbies under her front side and her own two under her back fluff so she's accepted them as hers. THANK GOD! I was thinking I might have to brood two little banty chicks in the house.
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Cyn, I am so sorry to hear about Molly. You tried to get her to stop the broodiness, and she ddint give up. WHat a wonderful hen she was.
JJ, still plan to see you tomorrow. If you pop in tonight, what are the show hours? We plan to leave here at 7:30, should be there by 9:30 or so. Good Luck!
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Thanks, she will be missed. Everyone always commented on how pretty she was. With Molly's passing, I have only one hatchery hen left out of my 32 hens, a Buff Brahma, and she is about to turn 6 years old. Caroline is head hen in the main flock, even though I moved her into the Old Hens' coop with the rest of the top four when they were molting badly at the outset of cold weather. She is top hen wherever she goes, LOL. Lost my other Brahma about six months ago, same age as Caroline. They were my least troublesome hatchery hens. I always said nobody messes with the Brahma Sisters!

This morning, all four chicksters were under Aimee. It's was very cold, around 25*. I'm so happy that I can count on her to mother every chick she sees when she's broody.
I have an Australorp hen that never went broody that stole a chick from my broody Cochin hen Delilah. Then she took on three chicks that Annabelle weaned at four weeks. She is in chicken heaven right now.

d'Anver Miss Piggy has decided to go broody on three eggs and OEGB Ginger (Rogers) has gone broody on five eggs.
JJ, it was a pleasure meeting you and your birds yesterday. A nice showing of D'anvers. Hope you travels back home were without delay.
It was great meeting you also, your the first person that I have gotten to meet after talking to them on the internet. Trip home was OK just a couple hours longer due to traffic from the Virginia Tech game and one disabled vehicle that every one had to slow down and look at.

Had a great time in Winston-Salem. Besides Kris I got to meet a lot of new people, including Don Hartman, who I got a trio of BB reds from. Did well at the show also. Reserve Variety in quail and black, Best of variety in silver quail (the only one shown),and blue quail and my other black pullet which also took Best of Breed.

O. M. G. you won't believe this one! I was flogged by an 18 day old D'Anver chick today, a mini-flog! And, JJ, I saw the bottoms of both feet when he hit my hand, so it wasn't a "love tap".
And that isn't the one I already knew for sure was a cockerel, either, darn it.

Remember, of these four chicks, only one is Aimee's and the other three belong to Mina, including that porcelain. Mina may be a cockerel producer; these are her first ever chicks. I'm now sure that two of those milles are male, not sure on the porcelain yet or Aimee's feather legged chick. I think my pullet luck was all used up with the last hatch when I had 7 pullets, don't you?
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