DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

This is a ridiculous notion.

Should anyone that can't write code not deserve to use a computer? Anyone that didn't go to med school not deserve to get medical care? Anyone who can't rebuild a motor doesn't deserve to drive?

I am not saying that people should have to kill everything they eat. I am saying that people should all know that when they eat meat, they are indirectly killing an animal so why shouldn't they experience a direct killing? There is nothing wrong with indirectly killing it but I wish people were closer to reality.

All those examples you provided are of non-living objects and aren't an effective parallel.

The point was "life and death". If one can't accept killing then they shouldn't eat meat. Likewise, if one can't cull animals at death's door, they shouldn't have animals.

I hope that doesn't sound ridiculous to you.
I think a lot of people who haven't had to kill animals conflate "humane" and "doesn't require me to be violent". Generally, the more violent the method is, the quicker it is, and thus the more humane. It's really people trying to get around their squeamishness.
I can't believe people are still throwing around this awful slaughter by gassing idea years later. Didn't we (the byc community collectively and in particular those with ample slaughter experience, unlike those making the suggestions) put this to rest like 3 years ago? Do those that consider this ever stop to think that maybe there's a good reason WHY more people don't do it? And how in the world can one think this humane?

For gods sake just yank or cut the head off and be done with it! Anyone can do this: it's easy, requires no special equipment, causes no stress, results in virtually instant death, and yields excellent quality meat.

Sorry to be crotchety but some of this gassing stuff and other weird ideas strike me as kind of psychotic. And it makes me, one who has slaughtered hundreds of chickens, and who devotes himself to animal welfare daily, nauseated to imagine.
wow thanks all..

the gassing.. i have done a lil bit of experimenting this morning..
with Co2 and it hurts the Nose and Lungs if u inhale it..
well it was more of an accident.. i dropped my C02 tank in my Shed and it flew around and it hurt to breath.. we have experienced this before when opening a 2 liter and taking a wiff at the opening..

so i guess co2 isn't the gas if gassing.
maybe the nitrogen or argon..

im going to get some nitrogen..and see what a whiff smells like.
(i kinda wish i had the Reports from the Govts who have done gas testing on pain etc.. )

also the other thing i was thinking about gassing..
if you do..
1. make a silencer for the nozzle.. its loud..
2. slowly change out the air from O2 to Death gas..
so they slowly get tired and not like i cant breath..
again reports form the sicko gvtts would help...

but i am and i do..

i think i have attachment issues.. (with animals, not all but most)example my cat had 8 kittens.. and i kept them for a year.. and it was super hard to give them up and chose which to keep and just about every day this particular one of them them shows up in my mind.
i so regret giving her away.. (at the time it was just another kitten comperd to the liter) i know how a ladie feels when she has to give up her baby. (yes its the same for me) i wonder bout her all the time.
and i gave them away about a year ago..

that is what i don't want to happen..looking back on them..

i wont be able to ignore them as babies or raising..
my later goals are to start my own hatchery for personal and friends..
so i can have Free Supply of chickens..
Costs are being micromanaged since there isn't much to for any project. to ensure this not only is HUMANE im trying to get cost super low..

i know im confusing.. sorry

thats all i gots for now
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I've always considered chopping the head off to be the most traumatic for the human and the most humane for the chicken. Since we are doing this by choice, unlike the chicken, we go with what we think will be easiest and least painful for the chicken. We do not butcher a chicken in view of the other chickens or pets, as a personal decision. They have had a very good life and we try to make their death as instant and untraumatic as possible.

You also have the option of looking for some one that will process your chickens for you. This can be anything from a larger processor down to an individual that just does it as a part time job. You may be able to find some one who's methods you find appropriate.

It's possible that you may find yourself eating a little less chicken or other meats after all this. That's a fine option, too. It sounds like you just need more time to sort this all out in your own mind. This is such a great place to hear all different view points.
Hi Everyone! I am new and so glad I came upon this website. I have been wanting to raise some chicks for layers and meat but I have been agonizing about "the kill." I placed an order and will get them by the end of May so I hope to find a comfortable (as possible) way to process meat birds.

emsoffLambs: In my experience you are right on with your info about relaxing the chickens by hanging the (gently) upside down and tucking the head under the wing. I used to do it all the time just 'cause it was neat and they actually seemed to like it. Of course most of my hens would frequently come and sit on our laps! But I've seen it done with cocky cockerels too....
I saw an article about "hypnotizing" chickens which describes about the same thing. It is online.

They also discuss the "brain scramble" technique that is said to render the bird senseless instantly AND release the feathers. It is supposed to just go limp.
Anyone use this?

Years ago I raised meat birds and did use the nails-in-the-tree-stump method which was fine for chickens...but... we did a turkey once and the (headless) thing took off with me and beat me to death with his wings.

The gas method is really only giving them a harmless gas in place of oxygen so they are breathing but unaware that they are suffocating. It sounds good, but is it true??? When I read that I was excited but after seeing this forum I am not too sure of ANY method that would suit me.
I use the ax method on my birds,I have a large log with two nails about 1 1/2 inches apart.i tie the birds feet together and loop the other end to another nail ,I use the ax,then drop the bird over the edge of the log,it flaps several times but its free of the log and the meat isn,t bruised,and hanging upside down allows it to bleed out better,killing any animal is harsh for some people,i have hunted all my life and have taken may animals for table fare,I still feel a moment of sadness over having to take an animals life,but we are on top of the food chain,and the animals would die anyway,some a more horrible death,a quick and clean humane way is always the best ,and it is used to feed my family,thats what it was intended to do,I would have second thoughts about eating an animal that has been gassed,meat contamanation for one,
The OP probably read (as I did) that CO2 (which is carbon dioxide, the stuff we exhale, not some exotic poison) would knock a bird out quickly (a breath or two, was what I'd read) so you could slaughter it painlessly. It turns out that this may not be accurate, but I'm sure that's what he was talking about.

Not all birds raised and slaughtered for meat are Cornish X. I raise a lot of not-Cornish-X birds myself, have several roos in my freezer, a crock-pot cooked one is in the fridge right now.

I am guessing that the "KFC crap" he referred to, was the video evidence of abuse by slaughter plant workers, where the birds were being kicked, stomped, and abused in a variety of ways.

He's just searching for the most humane method he can find before he does the deed. Just because he's fumbling around a bit while learning, doesn't make him "wrong".

Not everybody takes easily to killing their own meat. That does not mean they can't or won't learn.

I asked a lot of people questions before I worked up the gumption to butcher chickens myself. I read everything I could find. I'm still not very good at it, but I'm determined to get good at it.

That's part of what Tommy's doing, he's asking questions, before he tries the actual deed. Isn't that what people are supposed to do, when they're trying to learn something new?

Very VERY well said!!!!

If I hadnt been able to ask lots of questions I might never have worked up the courage to kill my own birds. Its HARD for some people to kill anything for any reason. I know my mum would starve to death if she had to kill one of her chickens and if one just up and dies she grieves for weeks.

Compassion and understanding shouldnt just be for the chickens;)

I do hope the OP manages to *do the deed* as nothing in the world compairs to the feeling of satisfaction when you sit down to a meal you have managed from egg to plate:yiipchick
Actually wally world doesn't offer free range anything (at least here near me) and the local grocer charges EXTRAVAGANT amounts of moooola for anything organic, free range or grass finished! I actually checked my costs (didn't include my time of course) and actually came out ahead.

To think... I am eating my own meat that has NO antibiotics, steroids or unhealthy chemicals

LOL ya try figuring even half of your normal wages and see how much it "costs" you to raise your own chickens
I've read all these postings with interest and yes, I too dread the slaughtering of my meat chickens when it comes time to do so, I don't enjoy taking a life... but I took all that into consideration BEFORE I bought my first birds. I did NOT buy them for pets (except for my silkies).. I bought them to supply my family with fresh eggs and wholesome meat.

I am a hunter. I hunt whitetail deer, wild turkey, and wild hog. I enjoy the pursuit... not necessarily the killing part. However, I am elated when I can supply my family with fresh meat for the table. I am extremely careful when pulling that trigger. I want a swift, fast kill and love it when I can drop an animal in it's tracks. In 12 years, I've only lost one animal (shot it, but couldn't find it). I couldn't sleep for days worrying about that deer.

I will use the same mind-frame slaughtering my chickens as I do the wild game I hunt. I will kill swiftly and thank God for the harvest.

I wanted to add one more little comment... With the unemployment rate the way it is, I bet someone would be more than happy to kill your chickens for a price. Put an ad in the Newspaper!

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