Dog food

We cannot afford the premium brands either, not with us and other animals to feed besides our GSD pup; all on a cop's salary (which isn't great, trust me).
Jax, our GSD, is doing very well on Iams for large breed puppies. We mix in just a tiny bit of the Iams canned lamb and rice to make it palatable. His coat shines, his eyes are bright and his weight is good.
For anything better than Iams, we would have to travel an hour to the city, adding the cost of gas to the cost of his food.
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I feed my dog Taste of the Wild. It is a little expensive, but it has the highest protein of any other feed. My dog is 80# and a big bag lasts about 2 months and his bowl is never empty. His coat is extremely glossy and nice.
Here is the website. If you look around different stores sell food at different prices just find where they sell it the cheapest that is what we do it is about $40 for 30lbs.
Wow. Tonini, we go through a 40lb bad every month with one GSD. what you do is more expensive, but lasts much longer.

I mainly dont want to pay more for somehing that is no better, just has a better advertising campaign. I am thinking about going raw.
Has anyone ever tried Rachel Ray's brand sold at Walmart - Nutrish??
Sam's has one that is suppose to be digested better with less poop. I use to buy it for our Boxer, and while he wasn't over the moon about it, it smells good and wasn't that $$. They highly promoted it of course. I thought it was Iams and some of the high end foods that had the poisoned stuff in it from China, but not Purina. I know a LOT of people around here to feed Ole' Roy, and the DG brand, and also Purina and swear by it. I am using Purina Puppy chow now because they all three love it, and they each get half a can of old roy wet every morning. . .
"Diarrhea, dull coat, and he looks skinny. " That sounds like he has worms. The dull coat could be from tapeworms and you need a specific wormer for tapes. Tapeworms usually don't show up in a fecal count.
Have you seen anything that looks like rice in his bedding?
I love Purina Pro Plan for my young dogs and pups. The older dogs gain too much weight from it.
Check your local feedstore for dog food. You might find a good food, but much less expensive because they don't spend a fortune on advertising.
I would check him for worms though.
Good Luck!
OK I talked to dh last night abou it, and he said that Purina, Red Flannel, Ol Roy, I think Diamond, and there were a few other I cant remember, all have logos on the building. They are manufacured by Mars inc.

Same Mars that makes candy bars, thankfully not with the same indredients as the dog food.

I hope........

He has to sit and wait for a long time everytime he delivers, like 4-8 hours.

These are the main ingrediens that come in.


The meat meal is from a beef processing plant, and is by products (leftover muscles, small pieces, and I dont want to know what else). They bake it and grind it into a powder a little courser then flour.

I think I am going raw food.
I recommend you feed a holistic diet like wellness, innova, halo,etc. It is preserved with natural preservitives and it is just better for dog. Regular dog food is filled with corn, wheat, soy (all fillers, causes allergies), by-meat products (chicken heads, feathers, skin, feet, etc), and preservitives like BHA, BHT, and Ethoxoquin.

However, if you are on a tight budget, i recommend you buy Kirkland dog food or Chicken Soup for dog lover's soul.
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