Dominique Thread!

There are only three or four with really light legs. Maybe a half dozen have really dark legs and the distinct head spot. The rest are combination. Perhaps my judgement will get better with more experience.
They aren't huddled in the corner, cold. In fact they were all over at the other end when i opened the screen that was over the box, so they'd rushed over to see if i had anything. Then when i lowered the flap on the far side of the box, they all rushed over THERE...saw a couple of little specks on the flap and they all wanted to peck at the same time. I have other pics, but not as bright as when i lowered the flap, even caught one doing that 'zoom-fly' thing, where they sort of BOING into the pack.

So typical of Dom chicks! I hope you thoroughly enjoy them as I'm enjoying them via your experience! Other than Breda chicks I have never known any other breed as enjoyable as Dom chicks who love to run up to their humans to see what's up! Some chick breeds cower in a corner, some chick breeds come running to see you and then bore easily and run off again. But Dom chicks will keep milling around you to investigate everything you're doing. Little nosy Rosies! Love 'em!
There are only three or four with really light legs.  Maybe a half dozen have really dark legs and the distinct head spot.  The rest are combination.  Perhaps my judgement will get better with more experience.

It is easier once the feathers start growing in.

I would suggest taking photos of the chicks once they have wing feathers in, but still have the head spots. Just for future refrence, to help you learn how to see the sex differences.
We LOVE our Dominique girls. They are sociable, hearty, easy keepers and all around wonderful chickens! We are looking for a Dominique Rooster in Florida. If anyone knows of one for sale, please let me know. Thank you! :)
Sylvester: yes, i had seen the Natahala site when browsing a year or so ago, so thanks for helping me find it again!

Alaskan: Oh, more pics to come, for sure! Well, DH helped me use my phone to get the pics here, so no telling if i can figure it out again on my own. NOT very techie with these newfangled phones.

Well, we lost two, yesterday. I tried to get them going again, but to no avail. Still, i expected a loss or two...and maybe more, with some of them coming in with cold little feet.

The heating-pad-inside-the-wooden-box gadget is working very well for the bottom of the brooder. An order of 25 chicks is about as much as it will handle, though. It seems to keep them pretty comfy, especially with one of the lid flaps on the cardboard box being partially lowered to where they can still go in and out.

The cardboard box was expanded by cutting a little flap door on it and another bigger cardboard box and pushing the boxes together and lining up the flap doors. The birds only use their original box at night, right now, so leaving the 'flap doors' there by cutting the doors only on three sides works well, as the flaps can be closed. It's easier to move the boxes separately rather than as one big unit. The boxes follow the sunshine around the room for as long as the sun shines in.

I keep promising the chicks a bigger place in the entry to the garage. It's set up, already. Has tall cardboard sides, but it won't be long and they will leap those bonds. No idea what to do for a lid on THAT.

We've been working on the coop. Got the 2 x 4's repaired/replaced under the wrecked floor. DH got new flooring yesterday, so maybe it will have a floor today. Maybe not, with rain in the forecast. Wouldn't it be great if i could just move the chicks right in? Not going to happen, as we definitely need to get the electric fence rigged up, first. But, we're way ahead of where i thought that we'd be, by now.

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