D'uccle Thread

yeah we were giving the guys mom some feathers she does chicken art and he had alot of d'uccles so we were like you sell eggs he was like yeah but it will take me a week or so to get them we were like what about chancing the eggs that your broody chick is on so we just got half produced babies we got lucky but we were willing to take the chance after he said you can have some for free for bringing my mom feathers pretty cool stuff.....

My babies arrived, here is what I got from the Full Moon
Quote: They all came from my Black Mottled Roo, I have one Blue Mottled and 2 Mille's. I can't wait to see what they look like in the next couple weeks. Parents can be seen in My Albums. I hatched the Mottled D'Uccle from Pamper Poultry. The Mille's I got from a gentleman at Ohio National's in Columbus. Still looking for pure Golden Necks.

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