Duck Breed Focus - Muscovy

Your pets are gorgeous. Mine are pets too.

I am still jealous about your nice birds! I wish I had more colours but I cannot find a chocolate scovie where I live.
I am still jealous about your nice birds! I wish I had more colours but I cannot find a chocolate scovie where I live.
I was lucky, colors started showing up in my black and whites, but I was crossing brother and sister to get them, now I have no drake.
you should get a drake! I wish I was near you as I have drakes. but I live on another part of the planet:(
I had planned to get one last summer but we had the bird flu in our state, maybe this year. I would take one of yours, too bad male muscovy are too heavy to fly any distance.
I am still jealous about your nice birds! I wish I had more colours but I cannot find a chocolate scovie where I live.
My only chocolate died from egg laying trouble, that color isn't easy to find around here. You have some gorgeous Scovy's too .. as does oldhenlikesdogs, I'd love some Lavenders.
I love this breed by far the best duck breed. Good eggs, beautiful, friendly(if they imprinted on you) and the funniest ducks ever. I recently got two in August and they have been the best of friends, they fight over who gets to sit in my lap!!!!! They are also very curious and are willing to fly to new heights.
this was our last coop but as you can see it was terrible they also jumped out of it a lot
this is them when they were babies falling alseep

couldn't find any recent pictures of them though

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