Duckling Grow-A-Long!

We're not laughing at you, just wondering if the Canadian gov has the same mind set as some here like outlaw plastic straws and my gosh everything else comes in plastic? What are they thinking. lol
I know! :hugs But yeah, plastic straws and forks and spoons etc have been banned.
I have to admit that the plastic bags use *less* plastic than the jugs, but you can't really do anything with them afterwards...
Both ducklings arrived healthy (So it seems!) and safe! :wee They are so tiny and cute. 😍

I'll be keeping a close eye on them to make sure everything is alright. But, one of them seems to be slipping and spreading its legs a bit too far apart? Could that be splayed leg or something? Or could that be normal at first? But I noticed it right away when I opened the box up in the car...

Oh, and looking at their bills in these pictures, what do you think of gender? I'll have to get more better pictures so its easier to see, this is all I have right now.

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