Duckling Grow-A-Long!

A week and a half and they are getting huge!!!!
They grow SO fast.
The happiness of fresh water in the morning. I really need to get the wire up around the edge of this pool to keep them in. They grow so quickly. I'm going to have to upgrade the size of the pool soon 🤣
Lol! I still have my big ones inside, and the bin they're in they can jump out of, but they don't do it. I trust them not to. 🤣
I did put him back in the booties. It will probably be the last round because he's having trouble getting around in them to eat and drink, and so he's growing noticeably less than the others. Can't really rearrange the food and water any closer to the heater....

No splayed legs I'm pretty sure. When he does walk or stand he walks normally.

Took em for a short excursion outside yesterday:
Poor guy! Hopefully he's alright! I'm glad he doesn't have splayed leg.

Looks like they loved their excursion.
Second round of booties coming off. I think this is as good as its going to get, gonna let the lil guy be free now.

Awesome! I also think it's good enough, he made much improvement!
Hi everyone, one of my 1-month old ducklings is definitively quacking!! so I am almost sure I have at least a girl. Now I need to wait for the 5 remaining ducklings. :ya
Yayyy! Is it the quacking the only noise she makes or does the quacking come and go?
I've only noticed one of mine really quacking and it's not too too consistent.
Yayyy! Is it the quacking the only noise she makes or does the quacking come and go?
I've only noticed one of mine really quacking and it's not too too consistent.
It comes and goes, she quacks mostly when she is hungry or when she is looking for me. But she still peeps. She is exactly like her mom was. Same color, same personality.

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