Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

OMG, I just watched the Whole Chicken in a Can video from the one of the related links at the end.


Thanks for the warning.
For those of you who are confronted with the comment that people won't eat YOUR eggs because they come from a chicken's butt, remind them that honey contains bee spit.

"Bees make honey by working very hard to collect nectar from flowers and/or other sweet plant secretions or from insect excretions (such as honeydew from aphids). This nectar, which is roughly 80 percent water, is collected into a special organ called the honey stomach and carried back to the hive. There, hive workers remove the nectar, mix it with their saliva, process it for a few minutes (the process is called chewing), and deposit it into honeycomb cells where water can evaporate from it." ~ Quoted from GRIT magazine.

Anything can have a negative spin put on it if you try hard enough. The part of the egg that is eaten is stored in a hermetically sealed shell. Certainly cleaner than anything that comes from a "sanitary" factory which the government allows to have a small percentage of rat hairs/feces in whatever they produce. Since rats and other pests are unavoidable in a place with doors that contains and manufactures food, the government can't ban the presence all of it. But, there's no way for that stuff to get inside an egg shell.

These "great thinkers" are being emotional, not logical and jumping on the most obvious visible aspect of egg production. What do they think all that lovely red juice in a steak is? If they took the time to think negatively about all food, they'd die of starvation.

But, once again, I think Natural Selection is a good thing.
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"Your eggs must be rotted or something. The white part isn't as liquid as the fresh eggs from the store."

"Those yolks are way too orange-ish. I think maybe your chickens are too old to lay edible eggs."

"Gross! Those brown eggs obviously came out of the roosters butt."

"Oh I only eat the white eggs, everyone knows they are lower in cholesterol than the brown ones. Just like pork is healthier than beef."

"I'll take some eggs but only the green ones from the vegetarian chickens."

I truly love some of the things I've heard since I started raising chickens.
"Your eggs must be rotted or something. The white part isn't as liquid as the fresh eggs from the store."

"Those yolks are way too orange-ish. I think maybe your chickens are too old to lay edible eggs."

"Gross! Those brown eggs obviously came out of the roosters butt."

"Oh I only eat the white eggs, everyone knows they are lower in cholesterol than the brown ones. Just like pork is healthier than beef."

"I'll take some eggs but only the green ones from the vegetarian chickens."

I truly love some of the things I've heard since I started raising chickens.

Holy cow!

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. ~ Mark Twain
I have some of those disgusting eggs too! However, I dont have any of those really dark ones. What breed lays those? I want to get a couple of those hens.
I did a speech over eggs on monday and I'm pretty sure my classmates will not be eating eggs anytime soon after seeing what the reproductive tract looks like, and telling them about all the parts...many of them stared at me with a mix of awe and disgust, and I sorta feel bad....but oh well. Better educate em' while they're young. Sort of.

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