Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Now, this is a post that really really belongs on this thread.  It slays me how someone can be hired to work at a feed store, and work there for at least a week, and not learn even the bare basics.

 But...   I once ordered 1/4# of roast beef at the deli counter.  The girl gave me a perplexed look, wrinkled up her face, and said... "Are you sure?"  I said, "Yep, I don't want it to go bad, so I only want 1/4#."  So, while she sliced the beef, I went to get the rolls.  Came back and she handed me a bag with a tiny little shred of beef in it.  "Huh?"  So, I had to give her a math lesson:  1# = 16 oz.  1/4# = 4 oz.  or, .25#.  She still couldn't figure it out.  I had to tell her to start slicing, and I'd tell her when to stop.

Back to eggs and the like:  Worked with a girl who would buy my eggs for her husband.  But, he had to cook them, because she wouldn't touch an egg.  As she got a bit older she got braver.  She would actually buy the packaged chicken at the grocery store.  But he had to cook it, cause she couldn't stand looking at it, and certainly couldn't touch it.  Fast forward an other year.  She had a melt down late one night because some "chicken juice" spilled on the kitchen floor, and she had run out of bleach wipes.  This is a mother with 2 children to feed.

Sounds like she has some OCD germ phobia or something not really that stupid or funny. Just sad.
Maybe she got bad food poisoning as a kid from chicken or eggs? Or maybe her mom was like that
Seems a bit odd for someone in healthcare.

Even more sad is:  we work in the health care field.
Can I ask a dumb question on this thread? Y'all can poke fun at me if you wish.
Can one particular hens eggs taste different from her flock mates? I have one silkie in a flock of LF hens, all different breeds. For some reason her eggs taste much richer than all my other ladies eggs. I can tell all my girls eggs apart (they all lay different colors) but it's only her eggs that taste different. I prefer them but the hubby thinks I'm crazy but he doesn't mind because her eggs are tiny so he leaves them for me. He says they all taste the same. They don't free range yet so I know it isn't that she eats more bugs or anything. They all get the same feed, treats, etc. Am I just nuts?
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Can I ask a dumb question on this thread? Y'all can poke fun at me if you wish.
Can one particular hens eggs taste different from her flock mates? I have one silkie in a flock of LF hens, all different breeds. For some reason her eggs taste much richer than all my other ladies eggs. I can tell all my girls eggs apart (they all lay different colors) but it's only her eggs that taste different. I prefer them but the hubby thinks I'm crazy but he doesn't mind because her eggs are tiny so he leaves them for me. He says they all taste the same. They don't free range yet so I know it isn't that she eats more bugs or anything. They all get the same feed, treats, etc. Am I just nuts?
There may be a slight difference maybe you have more sensitive
taste buds

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