Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Maybe so. I haven't seen a grain free food that doesn't include a starch and/or other vegetables. It wouldn't be economical, affordable or healthy to make a pure meat dog food. Then it would just be a 30# bag of jerky lol and that would be extremely expensive and lacking in fat, fiber, and other nutrients.
You have to have a starch for any dry dog food but pea starch and sweet potato starches are much easier on a dogs digestion. I use grain free gluten free because the foods that had them were literally killing my dog. He had colonitis for years and was majorly going down hill. Barely ate, seemed in pain and honestly I hated the idea of keeping him alive with meds. My husband (boyfriend at the time) suggested we look into his food. And with a little digging I found out corn is a major allergen for a lot of dogs especially the breed I have. Silly since I was feeding the brand his breeder recommended (shows even breeders get fooled by corporate bs). We switched to grain free corn free food and he got insanely better over night. Now he's 13 years old and people still think he's a puppy. If only we could afford to do a raw diet but man they are expensive.

Maybe so. I haven't seen a grain free food that doesn't include a starch and/or other vegetables. It wouldn't be economical, affordable or healthy to make a pure meat dog food. Then it would just be a 30# bag of jerky lol and that would be extremely expensive and lacking in fat, fiber, and other nutrients.
Back on topic my neighbor came up to try to find a wiffle ball he hit over our fence. He asked if we were enjoying our eggs. I told him we weren't getting any yet. He instantly looked perplexed and asked why not. I was baffled I had to explain to a grown man with kids that they don't lay until they are grown up which takes around 4-6 months. I mean do people really think they just magically apear already laying eggs?
Back on topic my neighbor came up to try to find a wiffle ball he hit over our fence. He asked if we were enjoying our eggs. I told him we weren't getting any yet. He instantly looked perplexed and asked why not. I was baffled I had to explain to a grown man with kids that they don't lay until they are grown up which takes around 4-6 months. I mean do people really think they just magically apear already laying eggs?

Along the same lines, I had posted on Fb when my EE finally laid her first egg at 36 weeks and what a slacker she was. Someone commented about how patient I am and that they would have ate her 36 weeks ago for not laying. Uh, really?
Along the same lines, I had posted on Fb when my EE finally laid her first egg at 36 weeks and what a slacker she was. Someone commented about how patient I am and that they would have ate her 36 weeks ago for not laying. Uh, really?
Chicken nugget?
Along the same lines, I had posted on Fb when my EE finally laid her first egg at 36 weeks and what a slacker she was. Someone commented about how patient I am and that they would have ate her 36 weeks ago for not laying. Uh, really?

They do that in some country, they batter fry 1 day old chicks. Yuck
Oh man my sister in law is Philippino. I about threw up in my mouth when I heard what it was. So flipping gross. And what in the heck is the point. I just don't get it. Just eat the egg before it's a duckling. I mean who eats baby animals. I just don't get the point when they could raise them for just a few more months and have a bird big enough to feed a family.

Yuck! Just like balut duck gross!

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