Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I don't think that's an uncommon fear. When my cousin was a baby, her parents were pushing her down the sidewalk in a stroller. As they went past a pine tree, a couple of birds flew out of the tree right by her face. She's been scared of anything with a beak since and she's in her 30's. 

One of my friends at church is deathly afraid of dogs. She was attacked as a kid by a dog and can't stand them even barking.
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I don't think that's an uncommon fear. When my cousin was a baby, her parents were pushing her down the sidewalk in a stroller. As they went past a pine tree, a couple of birds flew out of the tree right by her face. She's been scared of anything with a beak since and she's in her 30's.
My Ex was abused by a family member as a kid and was told by her abuser that the birds were always watching her and would get her if she ever told anyone about what happened. She was freaked out about all sorts of birds. She did finally come clean to her family about the abuse, but I never did why she didn't want to get over her fear of birds. I always just saw it as another way she was letting her abuser continue to control her.
Science and religion have not always clashed. The fathers of science were religious men. And there is plenty of science to back of "intelligent design". Look up the Reman Hypothesis and the golden ratio. There are a lot of holes in the evolutionary theory. I personally think both are true. Why wouldn't God be smart enough to create creatures with the ability to adapt and change over time?
I am about to make everyone super mad :oops: . I thoroughly enjoy the science and discovery of our world, I personally feel that if a someone's religion directly clashes with science then it only builds a lot of distrust between them and sciences in general. Science and religion have always clashed, usually because science tends to oppose many parts of various religions. Keep in mind that not too long ago all the major astronomers were risking being burned at the stake by the church. They were coming out with information that contradicting or sided against the bible (the most popular religious base in Galileo's time), the catholic church had quite a few of them killed and jailed when they discovered that they were teaching people about the universe. *end rant* Now. Onto the interesting and fun stuff! What did T. rex look like? Did it sport scales, colors, feathers or all of the above?
Paleontologists have long debated this. A string of studies in the past decade have pointed to the potential widespread presence of either feathers or fuzz-like proto-feathers in dinosaur species. In 2012, paleontologists [COLOR=0099FF]found[/COLOR] that a T. rex relative, Yutyrannus huali, had filamentous feathers. If a relative had feathers, why not the king of reptiles itself?
“It could be something that has to do with feathers in the skin itself changing the texture and the resistance of skin, which perhaps made it more likely to degrade than ‘typical’ scaly skin,” says [COLOR=0099FF]Mary Schweitzer[/COLOR], a molecular paleontologist at the North Carolina State University who specializes in the [COLOR=0099FF]remnants of ancient tissue[/COLOR]. Schweitzer speculates that the skin of a mature T. rex, “without the feathers, would probably be kind of like chicken legs. Probably scaly, probably pretty resistant to water and degradation at least while they’re alive.” Chance of an answer? It’s looking more and more likely that T. rex had feathers, but coloration and skin texture remain unknown, for now.

What did T. rex eggs and babies look like?
As for T. rex babies: Perhaps the young were born with a fluffy feather coat, a common phenomenon in birds, and then lost the majority of their feathers once they reached adulthood. “The bigger you are the harder it is to lose heat,” says Schweitzer. “So, when you’re little, as most critters are when they hatch out, you need insulation or their metabolism would have to be fast enough to maintain body temperature.”
Scientists don’t know if T. rex was totally warm blooded or cold blooded, but they think that the giant’s metabolic rate was probably somewhere in between that of crocodiles and birds. A study published last year in PLOS One [COLOR=0099FF]suggests[/COLOR] that cold blooded energetics could not have fueled dinosaurs’ active lifestyles, and thus they probably didn’t regulate their body temperature exclusively by moving into the sun, as modern lizards and crocodiles are known do. If the PLOS One study is true, it is even more likely that newborns had feathers.
Chance of an answer: The gold standard would be the epic find of a young T. rex inside an egg. No T. rex eggs have ever been discovered, though scientists have stumbled upon eggs from many other dinosaur species. (To you or me, they look like bird eggs.) “We hold out that we can find one,” says Carrano.

All these fun T-Rex and chicken similarities come from the smithsonian site below.
Hope everyone enjoys the read and that none of you become annoyed by it :hugs .
Science and religion have not always clashed. The fathers of science were religious men. And there is plenty of science to back of "intelligent design". Look up the Reman Hypothesis and the golden ratio. There are a lot of holes in the evolutionary theory. I personally think both are true. Why wouldn't God be smart enough to create creatures with the ability to adapt and change over time?

I'm not really sure where i stand but i do agree.

We didn't grow up religious or anything so as a kid/teen evolution was always just kind of assumed, like of course it exists, what the heck? No question.

But then I sort of found God on my own late high school early college mostly, like a couple years ago, i wont go into details on that cause its not necessary or really allowed, but I also had/still have religious friends with different beliefs, and some didnt believe in it or went to church or were taught or whatever and long story short, I started questioning some of my own beliefs. I mean, I still believe in it and stuff but it's like, i feel like a bad person or wrong for not believing it and i hate it

Anyway, i did hear an interesting thing a while ago somewhar similar to your view.

It basically said that science and religion don't have to be mutually exclusive and that maybe God set the Big Bang Theory and evolution in motion. It even went so far as to say that it might even be disrespectful or whatever to limit Him. Idk if that's what it said, i could be wrong, but it was saying is it really so hard to believe that He could have done it? Like why limit God and say that He couldn't have done that or can't do some things? He can do anything. I thought that was interesting and kinda true.

I also saw another thing that said that they don't believe we evolved FROM monkeys/apes but alongside them. It kinda makes sense especially since they're all still around
There are several theories out there do not intend nor choose to discuss
them here and do not believe this is the forum to go into such
There are several theories out there do not intend nor choose to discuss
them here and do not believe this is the forum to go into such

Yeah, you're probably right. I was more just responding to Amanda's post but you're probably right that this isn't the place. Perhaps we could start another thread for it but even there it might not be good since I'm not sure it's even allowed? I wish there was like a group message option haha or that it could be allowed if everyone remained civil about it and just had intelligent discussion but I understand that it's hard to make sure people stay civil. Even if people were good about this particular subject with evolution and all, if they allowed that topic (religion) or any of the other not allowed things then somebody may start another discussion about something else that might not stay civil or might bash people or hurt feelings and it would be hard to moderate so i can understand why they dont allow it. Plus if they allowed this one topic they would have to allow all discussions about it. I can see it'd be hard, the mods have a hard enough time as it is. I just wish there was some way for those willing to remain civil/feeling like discussion to discuss it haha i don't even necessarily have to join, it'd just be interesting to read too
@KDOGG331 I agree seems church and politics are the worst two
subjects when it comes to adults staying civil in a public discussion
I agree seems church and politics are the worst two
subjects when it comes to adults staying civil in a public discussion

Very true!! And it seems like it's almost a given that politics will be brought up at all thanksgivings/family dinners and hurt feelings :p
why is as adults we will still do that

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