Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

Sorry about your chicken. Maybe it had gender issues?

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But, I agree with the other responses, your rooster wasn't a rooster after all. He was a she. Either that, or it wasn't an egg. Maybe it was a growth. But, I will say I have a hen who jumps on the other girls and looks like she's mating. But, she's really just being aggressive. She's the head hen and gets mad when one of the others gets out of line or, especially, gets attention from me. Her name is Margaret T. Hatcher and she's a loud, bossy thing.

Ohhh my god, I'm sorry, I was reading through this thread for the laughs and had to comment--I also have a Margaret Hatcher!
I thought I was being sooo clever...
I've only been in TSC 2x 4 yrs ago, when I was new to chicken stuff. When we run out of feed on a Sunday, I bought a 25 lbs of chick
starter since our regular feed store is usually closed on Sunday. Went home opened the bag of feeds but it's moldy, I went back and complained and I was told by the clerk to just scoop out the moldy parts and also told to call Purina they might give me a new bag or a coupon. Never set foot since in that moldy store. I like my local clean hardware store where I got my very first chicks
and have good service. I've never lost a chick ever in 4 yrs of chickening, they take care of what they sell.
I bought a moldy bag of horse feed at TSC which I dumped on top of 2 good bags in feed can. TSC replaced all 3 bags, no questions.
Eating egg white omelettes was all the rage in the 70's, for fear the fat/cholesterol in egg yolks was bad for your heart. The nutritional value of eggs lies primarily in the yolk. Turns out that was all malarkey, just like the notion that margarine is better for you than butter. Deconstructing food and reducing it to its most basic elements, then keeping some while tossing others, is a fool's errand. Margarine is a processed "edible food-like substance" that has proven to be horrid for your health ... especially when it's made from corn, soy, or canola oil that comes from GMO plants that have been sprayed with Round-Up. It's typically heated during processing to temps that change the chemical composition of the oils, making them dangerous. Churning cows milk/cream doesn't change its chemical make-up. With butter, as all other natural whole foods, what you see is what you get. Any whole, natural, sustainably/organically grown food is better than anything that comes out of a factory. Chemicals in processed foods are what isn't good for you.

I was born in the mid '70s. Growing up I thought that I didn't like actual butter. I don't recall ever having real butter in the house unless my mom was making a recipe that absolutely needed real butter. And we never spread it on bread. That was what margarine was for. I don't think I knew there was a difference between butter and the stuff my mom bought in the tub until I was in high school, but I remember having the stuff that came in sticks (AKA real butter) at a restaurant or at grandma's and thinking it was gross and the "butter" (margarine) my mom bought was so much better. Then I went to college and started dating a guy who can't eat toast without real butter and then I realized just how good butter is and how horrible margarine is. No way I would buy that stuff and I can't believe my mom fed it to me as a child. I don't know how the food companies ever convinced people that margarine is an acceptable substitute for butter!
Now before you think I'm just bashing homeschooling, one of my college friends was homeschooled. She was top of the class, very intelligent. BUT she struggled at the social aspect of college. She was friendly but quiet and had trouble interacting with others.
I went to 13+ yrs of public school and struggle with many social aspects of life. I think I am friendly but I have a lot of trouble interacting with others.
I was born in the mid '70s. Growing up I thought that I didn't like actual butter. I don't recall ever having real butter in the house unless my mom was making a recipe that absolutely needed real butter. And we never spread it on bread. That was what margarine was for. I don't think I knew there was a difference between butter and the stuff my mom bought in the tub until I was in high school, but I remember having the stuff that came in sticks (AKA real butter) at a restaurant or at grandma's and thinking it was gross and the "butter" (margarine) my mom bought was so much better. Then I went to college and started dating a guy who can't eat toast without real butter and then I realized just how good butter is and how horrible margarine is. No way I would buy that stuff and I can't believe my mom fed it to me as a child. I don't know how the food companies ever convinced people that margarine is an acceptable substitute for butter!

I remember when margarine first came out up in MN. Because of the dairy lobby it was illegal to sell colored margarine so you got these white sticks with a package of yellow food coloring included that you mixed to make it more appealing.
I went to 13+ yrs of public school and struggle with many social aspects of life. I think I am friendly but I have a lot of trouble interacting with others.

Many introverts have difficulty around others, especially in large gatherings. Introverts would rather have a meaningful discussion with one person than do the cocktail party thing with, "Love your HAIR! You simply MUST tell me who cuts and colors it for you!! <Mwah, mwah - air kisses and off they go> Introverts can be very friendly, but just hate the mundane, pointless noise and chatter that pervades at most social functions. So, if you feel exhausted after several hours of socializing among the multitudes, dread going to bars and noisy restaurants, but enjoy quiet evenings with close friends and recharge by spending "alone/me" time, you may be an introvert and just don't do the big gathering thing well. Nothing wrong with introverts. Introverts are cool ... I should know - I am one!!

I remember when margarine first came out up in MN. Because of the dairy lobby it was illegal to sell colored margarine so you got these white sticks with a package of yellow food coloring included that you mixed to make it more appealing.
That is just disgusting! I can't believe people would buy anything like that, but we get suckered into it by the commercials and government studies that say it's better for us. Now we know better and companies still try to get us to buy their processed, sugar laden products. I think I just lost my appetite!
I take care of my parents and my mom loves the eggs I give them. My dad, however, has made a point to make sure he never eats the eggs I give them. Everyone raves about how good they are, how dark the yolks are and how they taste so much better than store bought, but my dad is so stubborn and will not touch them. He complains about the chickens I have, even though they do not affect him, he just likes to complain to whomever will listen to him. He will go without his "cooked" breakfast if out of eggs, rather than just break down and eat my chicken's eggs. It's so ridiculous, but I just let it go. It just makes me mad when he talks bad about my girls!
So sorry about my "vent"- lol get it? :lau but I am still very mad. So earlier today my sister was mad at me about something stupid and she walked over and without warning opened my coop door and let my dog- who is not trained- into the coop with my 2 month old chicks. He luckily didn't get any of them but it sure did scare the peewaddles out of them! I was so mad. And she continued to say "they are only chickens. You can just go buy and other one for like 3 bucks." I don't think I have ever been so mad at her.
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