Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

chickens walk on the ground and eat worms does that mean the need to be dewormed before you butcher them?
someone tried to convince me that guinea hens are African they're not
guineas and chickens can breed but if their offspring survive and hatch they're sterile like a mule...they're more closely related to pheasants
This is gonna be a long-winded (-worded) list...

1. I hand a carton full of eggs from our chickens to a neighbor that lives on a farm next to ours, but doesn't have chickens and buys eggs from the store. He says: "Are the green eggs moldy?"

2. At my school (it's a private school. I had gotten a scholarship their, and my parents had insisted I go. I wish I was still in the town's public school) I was sitting with a bunch of spoiled rich kids who live in town (Our school was trying a assigned-seating thing). Our conversation somehow turns towards farms, and they're suddenly making fun of me ("You know, I'm sure the Board of Health would kick you out of school if they realized you come to school a lot with goat poop on your shoe.") I tell them they have no idea how fun it is to live on a farm and always have fresh, healthy, organic food at their fingertips. I tell them how good fresh eggs taste and one particularly spoiled brat said "Eww... I wouldn't eat a egg that came from a chickens butt." And I said, "Where do you think eggs from the store come from?! A machine??!!" I really want to

3. I was riding my horse, Dusty. The spoiled brats come up the road and yell "I'm surprised the roads are paved and you live in a decent house. But it seems like your family doesn't have a good taste in horses." I hate them. Just because I don't ride their expensive Thoroughbreds, it doesn't mean that Dusty is a bad horse. In fact, he's the best horse I've ever owned.
This is gonna be a long-winded (-worded) list...

1. I hand a carton full of eggs from our chickens to a neighbor that lives on a farm next to ours, but doesn't have chickens and buys eggs from the store. He says: "Are the green eggs moldy?"

2. At my school (it's a private school. I had gotten a scholarship their, and my parents had insisted I go. I wish I was still in the town's public school) I was sitting with a bunch of spoiled rich kids who live in town (Our school was trying a assigned-seating thing). Our conversation somehow turns towards farms, and they're suddenly making fun of me ("You know, I'm sure the Board of Health would kick you out of school if they realized you come to school a lot with goat poop on your shoe.") I tell them they have no idea how fun it is to live on a farm and always have fresh, healthy, organic food at their fingertips. I tell them how good fresh eggs taste and one particularly spoiled brat said "Eww... I wouldn't eat a egg that came from a chickens butt." And I said, "Where do you think eggs from the store come from?! A machine??!!" I really want to :smack them.

3. I was riding my horse, Dusty. The spoiled brats come up the road and yell "I'm surprised the roads are paved and you live in a decent house. But it seems like your family doesn't have a good taste in horses." I hate them. Just because I don't ride their expensive Thoroughbreds, it doesn't mean that Dusty is a bad horse. In fact, he's the best horse I've ever owned.

Well that ultimately sucks. If only you lived in my town. It's 20% jerks and 80% people who care and matter.
Another friend of mine would not eat potatoes after she found out they came out of the ground.

I guess that means that rump roast is out, too. Are they aware of what lobster, crab and catfish eat? And, let's not forget about our pet dogs and cats. They lick their butts, and we pet and kiss them afterwards. Some people will never mature; they just want to live in a plastic, pretend world, like Disney World, and think that all of their food comes from sterile factories. These are the same people who will eat in fast food "dispensaries", where the food is greasy and filthy, and roaches and rats abound.

Oh, well. At least it's good news for the gene pool.
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