Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

This is what I go by:

*Animal Rights video link removed per BYC rules*

If you can watch the whole thing, you can see why it'd be very, very convincing......(I hope you don't take this as me being a butt. I'm really not. I just want to show you why I think animals are mistreated.)
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This is what I go by:

If you can watch the whole thing, you can see why it'd be very, very convincing......(I hope you don't take this as me being a butt. I'm really not. I just want to show you why I think animals are mistreated.)
I watched all of it, and it makes me sick that people would treat animals this way. I have no doubt that it's true, because I see all the time the callous disregard that people treat their animals with (and their children, and other adults too... if you saw some of the ways people who have no relatives to check on them are treated in hospitals, "rehab" facilities and nursing homes you'd lose your lunch). People who treat other people and animals this way are the lowest of the lowliest scum and don't deserve any better treatment than what they give their victims. I am in no way a vegetarian nor am I against eating meat. I do think, however, that it is possible to raise animals for food humanely and still make a profit. When I look at pictures like this ******l it makes me want to make sure I know that the food I'm eating has been humanely raised. I applaud grocery stores and fast-food chains that have bowed to public pressure and now force their suppliers to provide humane-raised products. Money talks, and if people vote for humane treatment with their pocketbooks, you can bet that suppliers will provide what the consumer demands.
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I watched all of it, and it makes me sick that people would treat animals this way. I have no doubt that it's true, because I see all the time the callous disregard that people treat their animals with (and their children, and other adults too... if you saw some of the ways people who have no relatives to check on them are treated in hospitals, "rehab" facilities and nursing homes you'd lose your lunch). People who treat other people and animals this way are the lowest of the lowliest scum and don't deserve any better treatment than what they give their victims. I am in no way a vegetarian nor am I against eating meat. I do think, however, that it is possible to raise animals for food humanely and still make a profit. When I look at pictures like this ******it makes me want to make sure I know that the food I'm eating has been humanely raised. I applaud grocery stores and fast-food chains that have bowed to public pressure and now force their suppliers to provide humane-raised products. Money talks, and if people vote for humane treatment with their pocketbooks, you can bet that suppliers will provide what the consumer demands.

Oh, my. That's terrible.......That's what it boils down to, though. What everything seems to boil down to. Your wallet, and the amount of green paper in it. I became a vegetarian when I was just 11. I think my reason then was, well, I saw cows go from healthy, munching grass and hangin' with the other mooers, to coming back home in neatly little rapped packages. It just made me think. Within a week I had gone from thinking vegetarianism was impossible and weird, to being one myself. Then, I'm not sure if I had a straight forward answer to "why?", but now I do. Now the idea of eating something that used to have a beating heart, that used to be able to feel, it turns my stomach. My sister became a vegetarian after watching a video like the one I posted. I had been one for a year and a half before that, and it was very hard......I didn't really make good choices for myself, and was probably not getting half the nutrients I needed. But now I am just as healthy as any other girl my age, and I'm still a vegetarian. I've gone to where I won't even eat McDonald's fries or anything that has gelatin in it, because both have ingredients that used to be animals. I don't look down upon meat eaters, as I feel it's their life, their choice. In the Bible, it says kill and eat, but do it humanely. Nowhere does it say, you must eat meat. It says to take care of you body, as it's a temple for your soul. So I do, but never will I eat meat.

So, now that I have officially hurt your eyes from my giant post, I'm going to put a smiley here, and click the submit button.
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my upstairs neighbor - where we lived last year - would not eat eggs i tried to give her bc, she didnt like to see where they came from.
wow -
she said her kids would eat them but that her family had chickens when she was growing up and im not really sure what the deal was??? - she said she would just get hers from the store and let the family eat the ones we gave them.

well im the complete opposite and WANT to see where my food comes from - sadly it is this kind of thinking that ends up effecting our little backyard farms, raw food products and the like. turn off the TV and go outside - would ya -
Not really related to the farm but very similar I grew up and still live in Bloomington Indiana, I worked at a grocery store as a bag boy after high school and was asked by a customer if I went to Indiana University here in town, I replied no I lived here all my life and didn't want to go to a 4 year school. the next question was did you ever see the movie breaking away about the little 500 bike race they have every year at IU I replied no I haven't. when I was asked why not I simply replied it was not required for me to be born here to watch it. But why it's a good movie? well as I said I don't want to and it is not required to be watched to be born here or live here. They couldn't understand why I didn't have any desire to watch a movie about a yearly excuse for college kids get drunk and go wild under the auspices of watching a bicycle race....
There are some early posts on this thread about delivery people not being able to locate addresses on their computers, I understand how that happens because I have went to Internet maps like google maps and map quest and entered in box 123 north county road 435 south because some map systems call them "county highway number" or other names. in my area of Indiana there is no such thing as a "county highway" we only have state and national highways, county roads and city streets so the mapping systems are useless if you don't know how they call our roads. Also they are switching in many communities no house and not box numbers and road names so the mapping systems are having trouble keeping up with that even. In fact it's hard for some people to send mail to my parents because in the 35 years in the same house on the same property on the same road they have had 5 addresses yes 5, an average of 7 years per address the county keeps changing it.

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