Fuzzy's Farm

And for the record Piper painted her roosters toenails first and it was D encouraging both of us lol 

Yeah, but I did Ders's more out of revenge.............

Lol, yesterday my brother was swinging on our rope swing that's about 4 ft. above the ground and that stupid rooster kept jumping up and trying to attack him. I wonder if that's what he would do if a hawk was right above him..........
Yeah, but I did Ders's more out of revenge.............
Lol, yesterday my brother was swinging on our rope swing that's about 4 ft. above the ground and that stupid rooster kept jumping up and trying to attack him. I wonder if that's what he would do if a hawk was right above him..........
Prob so if hes anything like my crazy rooster.... an tiny the terror tried to take on the big JG roooster yesterday ... she has no fear
Wonder if DH would take offense if i wanted to redo them today lol cause that is a neat one ... and got a beautiful irish green too .. that would look good on Pita lol the JG
Nova, is she filling up on non-food items? Or perhaps she don't feel well on account of something she shouldn't have eaten............I had a hen that just about killed herself filling up on the oyster shell. :( Try getting her alone and feeding her raw yolk from your strongest hens, just don't let her see you breaking the egg!
I just read an interesting comment about soy and the possibility of increasing the odds of internal laying on account of it tampering with hormones..........Never thought of that! It does act like estrogen in a woman, i wonder about a chicken? I wonder if they have estrogen too? Odd.

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